Is damp asbestos dangerous?

Been having real problems in my council property over the past 18 months with water leaking in from the roof, have found out recently that it was a run off drain from the roof that was blocked. I am now waiting for the council to "make good" the property but have just been told that the artex on the ceiling could contain asbestos, as it is we have been suffering a lot of chest infections which the dr had put down to damp on the walls (damp thats a joke the water was pouring down the wall!!), I was wondering if the damp ceiling, which is now turning a nice shade of green, that "could" contain asbestos might be harmful to our health? As I have also had 3 miscarriages in the last year wondered if it could be linked?? (I have just been referred to a specialist re miscarriages and may be clutching at straws with that last question!)


Have just had a call to say that someone will be round in the next 24/48 hours to confirm whether the artex does contain asbestos


  • Hi, I am an expert in asbestos and have 20 years experience.

    Asbestos is risky to those exposed to the dust particles released into the air.

    The smaller the particles the further into the lungs they can be breathed. This inhalation causes mesathelioma cancer, and asbestosis.

    Now many properties have artex, and it is INDUSTRY STANDARD to ASSUME that all artex contains asbestos, unless tested to prove otherwise.

    Tests usually cost £40, and sometimes it is cheaper to remove the artex as if it was asbestos based, than to endlessly test properties to get negative results for the £40 outlay.

    As your ceiling now needs t be replaced, and workers will need to move the artex and break it up, a test can be done.

    The risks to your health are absolutely tiny, most asbestos related illnesses occur 30-40 years after the exposure, and te more exposure there is, the higher the risk.

    Asbestos is the biggest killer of any industrial disease and I personally know at least two people I have worked with who have died. They worked with the stuff 30 years before.

    But it is precisely that, an industrial disease.

    As a householder your risk of breathing in any dust particles is very remote and i you do it will be a very small amount, although you do not want to take risks.

    'Artex', or any stippled finish can contain the material, as can gutters, roof tiles, floor tiles, pipes, insulation, and lots of other things including old ironing boards.

    When it is wet it cannot release dust partcles, and it must be put into sealed bags by specialy trained persons, and disposed of properly.

    There is no way that asbestos can cause chest infections or miscarriages, simply it causes lung cancers.

    There are many types of asbestos, blue, brown, crocidolite and other types, it is a natural material and was mined in South America and some other countries for 40 years or so until abut 1985. It is no longer imported or used anywhere as a material in industry in the UK.

    It exists in many millions of houses. Garages and shed roofs are very common, as are gutterings, asbestos has wonderful insulating properties.

    You may remember a piece of asbestos mat in the science lab at school, which you sat your bunson burner onto!

    It is safer when it is wet and is usually removed when wet, using the proper safety equipment and procedures.

    As a landlord your council needs to deal with the damp, and help you to overcome condensation too, it does not have to remove asbestos as long as it is not breaking up into pieces.

    All asbestos is dangerous, all must be treated with respect.

  • If you are worried about asbestos, then its illogical to throw out the one person that can determine if it is actually in the air in your apartment. Now you have no way of knowing if there is a problem. You should call the property manager and have them explain the sources of asbestos in your apartment and also have them monitor your air for a day or two. Make sure to run the vacuum the way you do during normal cleaning while the air monitor is running. If asbestos is found and the asbestos source cannot be permanently sealed off, your only choice is to stay and breathe in asbestos or move somewhere else.

  • Although asbestos is very dangerous the general consensus is that it is only harmful if you breath in the dust (whether this is absolutely true or not I don't know). However, in any damp property there are certain types of moulds which grow, some more obvious than others, all of which give off spores which could easily be responsible for your chest problems. As to whether there is any link to the miscarriages, who knows? It would be very difficult to prove either way. But the body will reject the embryo/foetus if there is something wrong with it, and it may be that chemicals from the moulds or otherwise are responsible. We are constantly surrounded by chemicals, they are in everything, our food, water, furniture, carpets, beds, the air we breathe, moulds and spores, etc etc. There are some people who are highly sensitive to these and it makes them very ill. It would be difficult to determine whether the many various substances we constantly take in are the cause of miscarriages/illness, but the possibility is always there.

  • Sorry to hear about your problems :(

    Any asbestos would not have had the effects on your health that you mention. Asbestos related problems take decades to develop and almost always effect the airways.

    When was the ceiling artexed? Unless it was a very, very long time ago i.e. decades - it doesn't contain asbestos now.

    I hope that settles some of your worries.

  • ALL asbestos is dangerous.. effect can be masked for up to 40 years .. Asbestos is a killer !!! believe me I had to sit and watch as my father died from mesothelioma. A cancer of the lung caused by asbestos

    You need to get the council to sit up listen and act..

    However asbestos will not have been the cause of your miscarriages.. the damp might ..worryng about your home conditions and the stress might..

  • Dust from the asbestos is rather like the barbs on fisher mens hooks. The particles attach to the lung linings and once latched are lodged!! I dont see your other probs are of consequence to the Asbestos. But poor housing is a contributing factor to your problems as these cause mental issues which will affect your physical state!!

  • my dad worked with asbestos for years. it's very dangerous stuff. if it is contained it usually poses no problem but if it is dampened or disturbed it is really bad. it is a carcinogen. my advice is to contact a contractor who specializes in asbestos and it's removal. also you could have a large amount of mold due to the water leaks. both can cause severe respiratory problems. personally. i wouldn't stay in the house until this is rectified. i have no idea about the miscarriges but anything is possible. hope you get this settled.

  • as far as im aware asbesto is dangerous although there are two types and one isnt one is. you need to tell the council you want it checked asap. as for your health, see your doctor tell them all your concerns and get your self checked out. it may be the mould thats given you the chest for the other twats that have answered with crap ignore them.

  • Is Damp Dangerous

  • all asbestos is dangerous! Get away from the source because the long term effects can be truly detrimental.

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