Do cats change color?

My bf lives near a farm, so he had a bunch of stray cats at one point a few years ago.... One of which we named "peaches" because he was a very pale orange color... Well, eventually all the cats kinda just left. Recently a white cat has shown up in his yard who is very sick, so we have been feeding him. The thing is, he is super comfortable with us, and has all of peaches mannerisms! I am almost convinced that it is the same cat (he was even excited to see the dog and didn't run away or freak out!)... The only real difference is his fur color. I realize he could be peaches's offspring, but it just seems like it would be one hell of a coincidence that he came here, and peaches really isn't that old (maybe like 4 or 5- my bf knew him as a kitten lol).

I really hope it is him... He was a great cat lol.


  • There are a few cats who are very friendly and comfortable around people. There was a cat that lived across the street from our friends house in town and she came right away across the street to be with us. The girl had to give her away as her dad was allergic to cats and we ended up with her, she was the best cat ever and loved people.

    I would say that since he was still young he probably wouldn't change color until he got old, say 11 or 12 years old.

  • They can, I had a horse that changed every summer from a dark slate color to stark brilliant white, and cats can do it too, my friend took in a pregnant black cat after she saw it drop kicked out of the house next door, the poor cat recovered and was very loving but remained frightened of everything, when her three kittens arrived it was a bitterly cold night and on returning from work my friend found them strewn around her sitting room, she bundled them up and brought them round to me and we warmed them up and began feeding them with a bottle every three hours, we lost the weakest one a couple of days later but the other two thrived, until they were five weeks old when their solid velvet black fir fell out literally overnight, we were at a loss as to why this should happen and so we took them to a vet who was unable to find a reason for it and reassured us that they were actually extremely healthy, so we took them home and resumed the care as before and a week later their fir began to grow back again but when the new fir came through, their faces, legs and tails were black as before but their bodies were silvery grey. Unfortunately over the following three months they slowly reverted back to boring black, and three years on there have been no further changes in either of them, though I am thinking of mating my little girl to an English blue this summer, her kittens should be quite interesting I think.

  • I doubt it. It depends, was Peaches a kitten? There are some breeds that are one color when they are born, and then change colors as they age. I don't remember any kind of orange cat though. So I don't think so.

  • My cats do turn a lighter color as they get older

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