Do cis white males ever feel bad?

For all the pain and agony their people have wrought on the world?


@hotblack a gay white man is the father of computer science "alan turing" you said you hated gay people


  • We all come into this world children. No child is responsible for sins of those before them.

    No, guilt and shame isn't necessary as it fuels animosity BUT learning and having an open heart for fellow human beings is necessary. Learning from the past is necessary.

    Ps. Cis white men are not the only beneficiaries of what their families have done to others in this world. As a cis white girl myself I absolutely hate when white girls try to separate themselves from history and "blame" white men as somehow more responsible. It's kinda weak. Just my opinion.

  • No. White men from western Europe are responsible for most of the good things in the world. They are responsible for modern democratic government that ensures you have rights such as freedom of speech and the opportunity to vote in elections. Actually, lots of them died ridding Europe and parts of Asia from fascist regimes. They invented or discovered almost all of the stuff that makes your life better than the lives people lived 100s of years ago. A couple of examples would be the airplane, automobile, flush toilet, and penicillin. There's not reason for white men, whether they fit your definition of cis or not, to feel bad. I'm pretty sure most of them don't.

  • My people? I'm not linked to any group of any kind. I'm not my father or my ancestor, I feel no brotherhood with whites or men or Americans or anyone. I'm an individual with my own sense of self, and I take full responsibility for my actions, but only mine. I don't give half a **** what other people have done to each other; they're not me and don't represent me, and I feel nothing for them. So no, I feel not the tiniest shred of guilt for any slavery or widespread oppression you might be referring to, because I was never involved.

  • The majority of us white males do not bring pain and agony on the world. Most of the pain and agony, conflict and homicide is happening in non-white third world countries which whites have nothing to do with. White males however are responsible for most of the good things in the world such as freedom of speech, democracy and technological advancement so in all honesty us white males have a lot to be proud of and should be feeling good about who we are.

  • I reject the term cis. I am a str8 white male. And no I don't feel bad. Bite me!

  • (Shrug) If you wanna take THAT tack, there's an example of abysmal evil in history from pretty much any demographic you can imagine. Including whatever yours happens to be.

    "Their people"? I'm tired of being expected to feel bad because examples from history look like me to the willfully blind, bigoted and ignorant. It's not MY problem if we "all look alike" to YOU. I just work here, same as you. You wanna talk working together against the Big Boys, I'm ready and willing and will clasp your hand.

    But just sit still for you acting like _I_ am THEM? Uh uh. Not happenin', baby. Frack that, frack you, and frack the saucer you landed in.

  • I don't feel bad for anything. Because I have not brought any pain or agony up on this world.

    If you wish to believe I am responsible for other people's actions, that is your own twisted mentality. But I don't feel responsible for other people's actions, so I sleep pretty good every night

  • Do you really want them feeling responsible for the actions of their ancestors?

    So that means they are responsible for modern law, the vast majority of engineering, etc. etc right up to putting a man on the moon?

    Similarly, up until a generation ago, women are responsible for essentially nothing other than procreation?

  • Yeah, I feel terrible for all the wrongs I had no part in, and I strongly encourage you to hold responsible everyone who slightly resembles anyone who has committed an immoral act, it's the right thing to do and oh so morally sound.

    now f*ck off snowflake, go be special in your precious echo chamber where no one will question your morally dubious self interested agenda.

  • For what someone else did? Hell no. And I can think of people of both genders & other races who've committed vile acts, too. So, no.

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