Why do black Obama supporters expect whites to come to their rescue now?

It seems that black Obama supporters are now somewhat soft spoken and "pander-ish" to white Hillary supporters because they suddenly see a "need" for them ...in order to have a shot at a black president general election.

Let the big "smile-in-your-face" pandering begin!


  • I noticed that too. It wont work..nor bashing McCain. I wont forget by November. I am standing firm in my choice.

  • Stop and think about what you are saying. Do you realize how wrong it is to advocate this type of thinking? You say, "Maybe many blacks do vote for Obama because HE is black, but what's wrong with that?" It is racist. That's what is wrong with it. Don't you understand that? You realize you are saying that it is ok to vote for someone, just because of the color of his or her skin. You are saying that this would be the best man for the job, because he is black. That is no way to choose which person is going to lead America. Besides, I would ask you how would you feel if whites were voting for white candidates, only because they were white? I would bet that you wouldn't be that happy about it. You then say, "He is note-worthy enough (he's no Al Sharpton) and we've never had a black president." Your right, he is noteworthy in the sense that he is considered one of the most liberal senators in Congress. In other words, he is an extremist. We need a president who is moderate, because that is the type of person who would be open to considering all options on the table and willing to work with the other side to get the right things done. Barack Obama is not that person. He has his extreme liberal agenda and because we have a democratically controlled legislative branch, he will railroad his policies through regardless of whither they are the best thing for the country or not. I agree that it would be nice to see a black man achieve the presidency but not because the public wants to say that we have finally broken all racial barriers. I want to see a black man in office because he is qualified for the job. Again, this is not Obama. He is very inexperienced when it comes to politics and that is evident from many of the statements that he has made and the short amount of time he has been involved in politics. I don't want a president who is winging it through tough negations with a country like Iran. If he makes it into office, he will really screw up this country with his extreme liberal ideology and because of it you are going to be waiting a very long time to see another black person in office. I can promise you that.

  • Yes, and they keep telling them how horrible it is not to support the Democrat nominee. lol

    Then again, some of Obama's friends are not pandering to them at all. They mock Hillary for crying and say she felt entitled because she was white.

  • I think that most of the people that voted for Obama did so to keep Hillary out of office. When the elections come they will either switch to McCain or just stay home.

    If we had a good black man (woman) running I would vote for him (her). I vote for who I feel is the best choice, not who is in what party.

  • 1. You do realize that Obama is half white right?

    2. Not all Black people are pro-Obama.

    3. Obama is running for president, not every black person in the United States. So, Black people in unison are not pandering to White people for votes for Obama.

    4. Obama is popular among like minded people, not among people with a particular melanin content.

    5. You should start thinking of people as individuals even though it may take more brain power for you to do that.

    6. What the heck are you even talking about???

  • I don't think that they are wanting people to come to there rescue, I believe that they are just playing the game with a different strategy.

  • Obama supporters expect that now that he has won the nomination, Hillary and her supporters will turn their substantial campaign efforts towards electing the Democrat in November. It's a joint effort that is needed to defeat the Republicans, so that we don't have another 4 years like the last 8.

    There and I said all of that without mentioning skin color, that's how it should be done!

  • Nice try Julian seeing that the Iowa caucus was how long ago! No way Obama wins over this group now!

  • I ain't black but I feel like I have a duty to keep the democratic civil war as respectful as possible - I honestly respect Hillary Clinton even if I disagree with things she has said or done related to the primary campaign - and to convince people on the fence that Obama is not a scary racist muslim terrorist but actually a nice guy who cares about his country and wants to achieve 99% of the same things that Hillary does.

    You are clearly confused - this is not about a black President. This is about moving the US to the left and out of the grasp of the corrupt, useless Republican party that has been running the show since 2000. President Obama is just a means to an end, not an end in himself.

  • The whites that were going to vote for him before still will. The ones that were on the fence....they can forget them!

  • White Obama supporter baby. I want someone with the discernment to know when not to go to war, not a continuation of Bush's foreign policy. I'm not rural, not xenophobic, but happen to be religious. Oh and I don't have white guilt just an education and a conscience.

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