Astronomy help!!?

Okay so I have an assignment in astronomy where I have to make up a constellation. Like I have to use existing stars and I have to draw it out. I also have to make up a one page story about it. In the story I have to incorporate the constellations that are around the one I make. The main constellation by my area is Aries. I really need help like I don't even know where to start. So if someone could make up a story for me that would be beyond amazing. Thanks! ☺️☺️


  • Sorry, I will not do your homework for you, but I will give you some hints.

    Try drawing a person, an animal or an object by joining stars together. It does not have to be an exact representation - fill in details with your imagination. Just stick to the brightest stars.

    If you have drawn a person it an animal, think about what might have happened to them. What sort of crisis did they face, why did it arise and how did they get out of it? Did they have to fight a monster, or were they rescued? How was it resolved?

    If you have drawn an object, think about how it might have been used to move someone past a crisis. Is the object magical in some way? Is it a weapon or did it provide some other kind of practc help?

    If you can come up with a moral for your story, all the better. You could google for proverbs or similar for inspiration.

  • Download the planetarium program Stellarium

    Among the options in it is to view constellations that other cultures have had over history. Look at these first. By choosing Aries (have you ever found it in the night sky?), not only are you choosing at random a constellation with few bright stars, but you are defining your constellation according to current official boundaries, which the old ones didn't follow.

    If this is truly an assignment for an astronomy-dedicated class that is very sad, as the content has been dumbed-down instead of concentrating on more relevant things.

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