Why do cops treat everyone as a criminal?

Ok , before you say , cops are just here to protect you , think about this . I live in San Bernardino ca , which has a very high crime rate and is a very poor area . So i can understand the cops being on guard . But for them to pull me over 5 times in one week just because i drive at night in a nice car in a bad area makes me upset . I've asked questions about cops before on here and everybody gets mad because they dont understand . I used to treat the cops with the upmost respect . But when they would cuss at me and yell at me when i was doing everything they said and i did nothing wrong that went too far . And then one day i was sat on the sidewalk . So i was minding my bizness when the cops said something to me , well i wasnt paying attention , so i said , could you repeat that , and he grabed me and slammed me against the car which fractured my arm i later found out . But the point is most cops out here act that way , and its wrong as helll!!!!


And i see cops breaking the law all the time like running red lights , littering , driving at high speeds , and all of this without their lights on ....


  • Quit your whining. If you are being pulled over 5 times a week as you say, then you are obviously doing something wrong.

  • Here is the rub... Your in a known High crime area, driving

    an expensive car, late at night, that automatically puts you

    on the radar. Specially if your driving in the same area more

    then 5 times a week... Your going to be looked at, stopped ,

    and field interviewed. Now depending on how this procedure

    was handled by you and the officers or officer will dictate,

    if this action should continue or not. If you popped off to him,

    or he popped off to you causing a contention. then you can

    count on this to continue to happen.

    I think the best way to explain this is ,, If the shoe fits wear it.

    If you meet 3 out of the 5 criteria for me to stop you in a high

    crime rate area, and your seen in this area at approximately

    the same time more than 5 times a week, you can bet your

    ***, im going to know who you are.

    If you can't convince me that you have good reason to be in

    this area, then your staying on my radar until one of two things

    take place. I prove that I"m right or you prove that your right.

    I'm sorry the officer bounced you off the car and fractured your

    arm. If he did this with Malice, then he was wrong and deserves to be Delt with, You have to look at both sides of

    situation. I know this is not what you wanted to hear, but its

    pretty much how it is.

  • Police Law Enforcement Officials don't treat everyone like a criminal --- It appears that you are in their "radar" for some reason or your vehicle is spotted frequently in bad areas.

    They are doing their job. If you feel that you have been the receiver of excessive force then file a complaint. If you have been wronged in the past it doesn't give you the right to wage war on all Police officers. You are just going to the level of one bad cop.

    BTW when on a call roof lights are not necessary to blow a stop sign or a red light, they are for warning other traffic and to signal others to stop.

  • Police are no longer meant to enable their emotions cloud their judgment. notwithstanding that takes place. How do you think of human beings get out of tickets? each now and then an officer does experience undesirable for a guy or woman or they dislike a guy or woman. purely in common on an conventional basis existence human beings decide one yet another and function emotions, or there loss of, emotions in the direction of diverse age, faith, and ethnic communities. interior the tip the regulation is the regulation yet there are specific circumstances. interior the tip it somewhat is as much as the officer.

  • I've been to San Bernandino and have had no problems with the cops. So it makes me wonder if it's NOT the area, but the particular neighborhood you keep getting stopped in. A smart person finally figures out to avoid that neighborhood. But maybe you're not that smart?

    And just how hard is it to pay attention when someone is occupying your business right at that moment? Takes only a few seconds, so again, maybe it's a matter of social Darwinism on your part.

  • I've only ever had police officers treat me with respect. But perhaps that is because I always treat them (and everyone) with the respect they deserve.

    Also, I tend not to lie to them, just consider that all day long they have people lying to them, so when it's obvious someone is lying I would guess they react accordingly.

  • Sympathy for the Devil: Every cop is a criminal!

  • That's how they see us.

    And with the same nerve they throw in our faces that their job is so noble because they could die defending us! What gives?

    Either die as a hero, or as an out of control sociopath that provoked a citizen into your demise

  • ask for the cops name and report them or get their tags.

  • I refer you to my previous answer to this same question...

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