Who performs a pregnancy?

Me and my girlfriend are freshmen in high school and we think that we want to have a baby. We have been dating since grade 6 and are deeply in love we really think we are ready for the next step now. But we are wondering who performs the pregnancy because we want to be able to do the thing where another lady has the baby for us and we just get to raise it. My GF doesn't want to deal with pregnancy while she's in school, which is smart. So we are wondering where do we go to get another woman to have our baby for us and do I have to have sex with her or can we just have another guy do it, cause my girlfriend only wants me to have sex with the woman as a last possible option. Please Help, we want a baby really bad.


  • Get a baby doll toy kids play with toys not have babies

  • Shes being smart while not wanting to deal with pregnancy while in school but yet you both want a baby that your going to have to take care of and focus on more than anything while in school? Sorry but your both still immature. Having a baby is not the next step, the next step would be getting engaged. Which I believe you are both still too young to even do that right now. Babies are not objects and its not like taking care of a pet. You have a baby when your a little older, finished school and college and have a stable career.

  • WHAT THE ****?! WAIT WAIT WHAT?! Why in the hell would you want a baby?! Are you ******* stupid!? Your to damn young to have a baby! And no one will Sponcer you! You might be like 14 or 15! What the hell?! If you want the next step up ******* go to a Movie! Getting married is the next step up what the hell?! You skipping some steps! Sorry but really? Having a kid? IN HIGH SCHOOL??? AS A FRESHMAN?!?!?! You been dating for 3 or two 2 years MAYBE and you think it is a grate idea to have a baby? <_< You know what...only way to teach is to let them learn....

    I mean you can spend 25K+ to have a doctor take your sperm and her egg and make the baby in a test tube like thing.

    Or look for a surrogate mother http://www.creatingfamilies.com/SM/sm_info.aspx?_o...

    They cost a lot too.

  • I didn't know trolls could reproduce?

    Oh, wait a minute, that is why you would get another guy impregnate another woman!

    Sure, you just ask a man and a woman nicely to have sex so that nine months later the woman can hand you a baby.

  • your clearly not mature enough for a baby.

    also, surrogate mothers usually do it to help people who cannot physically carry a child.

    having a baby while your at school is a stupid idea, and she is not being smart by not wanting to go though pregnancy while shes at school.

    ask to babysit a friend or family members young baby, you will soon change your mind about wanting one so soon.

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