Liberals, do you know why I am against a single payer healthcare system?

Because I don't believe the government is the answer, I believe it is the problem. And I believe th private sector can make a profit and still do a better job and for less money than the government


  • Well, the hospital chains that are charging over a thousand percent more for the same procedures covered by Medicare/Medicaid would dispute you, as well as a few manufacturers & insurance companies.

    But I suppose you're entitled to your beliefs, even if they don't pan out in the real world.

  • You can believe that, but the evidence doesn't seem to show that it's true. Every other advanced nation on earth has some sort of public health insurance or health care system. All of them have lower costs than the US and most of them have comparable or better health care outcomes than the US.

  • Good for you. Personally, I prefer to put people before profit and having unelected bean counters telling you that you should just die because treatment is not covered, does not work for me. FYI, with the "private sector" calling the shots, costs just keep going up.

  • I think you need to do more research into other countries who do have universal healthecare, we pay twice as much and get half the services, and we've had private sector since it's inception and it doesn't work, adding a layer of profits means money that would go to care goes instead to multimillion dollar payouts to executives.

  • I agree. There is very little government does more efficiently than private enterprise, if any.

  • The problem is the real world disagrees. Europe pays half what we do for Health Care and lives longer.

  • Ok. Thank you for sharing your opinion without insulting anyone.

  • Don't feel bad, I also don't believe trump and congress can solve America's problem. Only private sector can get Americans enough pay to live.

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