101 temp :D?

so uh i have a 101 temp with asthama and a cough. and if i get up and move around i cant stop shaking. i asked to go to the hospital and my mom says theres nothing they can do. isthat true?


ive been having a drink every single second of the day, and yes my mucus is yellow

Update 3:

and yes ive been checking my temperaure everytime im bored. which is like ... a lot.

Update 5:

my temp has been bouncing between 100-103


  • 1st question: How old are you?

    2nd: Did you check you temp using a thermometer? Do so every four hours and if it's 101F and above take Paracetamol. If it's not 101 or above DON'T take any meds.

    Drink lots of water or fruit juices and rest. You have to see a doctor for your cough with yellow phlegm so you can be prescribed with the proper antibiotics. DON'T self-medicate. I hope this helps. -dennisMD

  • Why wont your mom take you to the hosptial?

    If your fever gets any higher shes gonna have to.

    Yellow mucus id usally a sinus infection.

    It must be getting pretty bad for that high of a fever,

    you HAVE to go in the doctor and get some anti biotics or else it could get serious

  • as long as you are not having problems breathing

    and you don't have yellow or green sputum, stuff that comes out of your nose or mouth

    i agree, take tylenol for the fever or advil

    and the shaking is you are prob dehydrated drink alot of fluids. and rest

  • They would probably give you antibiotics which WILL help. My mom does the same thing it is just because they are too lazy to take us and wait, -_-.

  • Go to the Hospital of coarse they can help you

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