Trade Help...Trade Help...Trade Help....?

I have Rivers, Westbrook, B. Jacobs. M. Lynch, Lesean McCoy, D. ward, Julius Jones

I need a back up qb. Should I trade Jones for Matt Ryan? Or Should I just pick up a QB fro FA....(Campbell, Ortin, Sanchez, Farve, Leftwhich are on FA)


  • might as well keep jones he could be solid this year. go for sanchez in NY on waivers, he is looking like he will be putting up some nice points this year.

  • I wouldn't just yet. Wait to see if Westbrook is healthy and also to see how Lynch will perform and if he will get the play time after Fred Jackson's impressive showing.

    As others have said Sanchez. Maybe Orton.

  • i agree with the guy below me sanchez is looking pretty good this year, i wouldent drop jj he would be another good backup.

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