Do you have eczema?

If so, what do you use for it?

I have it on my hands.


Thanks, Ania.

I'll try that. : )


  • I have it on my hands as well, I use Sarna sensitive, its made just for eczema, and it really, really helps. I buy it at Walgreens, it's about $12 and worth it. It's not in the lotion section, you'll find it in the section with antibiotic creams.

  • It depends how bad the outbreak is. If I am just lightly breaking out with just small portions of skin involved, I use over the counter cortizone 1% ointment (if i put it on at night) or cream (for during the day). As a moisturizer I use cetaphil lotion and I only use the cetaphil cleanser to wash with (those are the only products that I don't react to). They have helped me tremendously to the point where I only have a few severe outbreaks. When the eczema flares to the point where I can't control it with otc things I go to the dermatologist for help. He usually prescribes elocon or synalar cream (which are topical cortico-steroids) to use only for a short period of time till the flare settles down. Hope this helps.

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