seran wrap car prank?

would you get mad if someone did this to your car?

the guy i'm seeing keeps jokingly mocking me, (i'm english) and i said alright boy its war. And I seran wrapped his car, would you get mad at that? If it was all a joke, nothing out of meanness?


  • i say do it. id be funny

    & no i wouldnt get mad


  • Potato up the exhaust, condom over the exhaust, concrete in the footwells, but line the footwell with plastic or it'll never come unstuck from the interior carpeting.

  • I wouldn't. I've had it happen to me a couple times. I find it extremely amusing if it's a friend and they're pranking me for fun.

  • i'd laugh my *** off, but my nickname on the college campus i go to is 'Shut Up Troll', so i'm probably not the best comparison.

    (that and i have a dodge ram 3500 dualie, so i'd also laugh at you for bankrupting yourself on saran wrap. ^_^)

  • Naaa, id care but its just plastic its not like theres any damage... if that happend to me and i deserved it id take it like a man.

  • no i would defrinetly not get mad id just get BACK!!!! REVENGE! HAHAHa

  • no, its harmeless...he shouldnt get mad.

  • I'd be livid

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