Who cares???
Why is everyone (blog sites) making a big deal out of Angelina giving birth to her twins? They act like she just helped make peace in Iraq or something. Who cares if she gave birth or not? Do you care? Women have babies everyday. As a matter of fact, I bet there's women out there RIGHT NOW giving birth.
becuase we have no lives and we only care about people who have money.
Us americans are stupid. We believe anything someone puts infront of us and its sad.
your right just because she has fame doesnt mean anything, they are just as good or even better babies being born right now.
No one really cares about their dramas but a lot of people would be interested to know that she's having twins. She and Brad are big celebrities. And yes, there are women giving birth right now, obviously. A new baby is born every 8 seconds.
You're right, they should be leaving her alone, they made this story like even bigger then Jamie Lynns Spears story, her story's like over now. It not even interest, I mean, yeah she gave birth, to the twins, she's happy, story over people!!!
Hey listen
i dont even like her and i dont care either but why would she go and have her baby and just ditch it as soon as it is born?
some one e-mail me at funloverzac@yahoo.com and tell me about it!
she is a celeb so people wanna know everything about them
personally i don't really care what angelina and brad do
ahhhhh yeah but you know how it is with the media and the celeberties when they give birth! lol yea very annoying!
Uhhh idk y everyone cares. I dont. Society these days are just obsessed with celebrities so i guess its a big deal when one gives birth.
Nobody cares, they are talking about something new. Get over yourself.
If you don't care then why are you spending your time asking about it? But yes, people shouldn't care about that stuff unless they know her.
i agree who gives a f*ck!!!! their are more important things happening in the world!!!