is Madonna a witch or a she devil?

from where she gets children that dont look like the father?


  • No! She is neither a witch or a she devil. She is a terrible actress, stupid as they come, thinks that she is the greatest thing since slice sliced bread, has the morals of an alley cat, has done more harm to teenagers that anyone else I can think of,

    is as beautiful as a mud fence; considers herself an authority on child caring; is above the law; adopts children to ease her conscience for all the harm she has done, and can't string a sentence together without a script. In short, she reminds me of those Eight Avenue hookers whose time has long past.

  • Believe it or not, but Madonna was raised in a strict Catholic family and even attended Catholic schools.

    She has "rebeled" against her faith and chosen to incorporate it into her songs and stage show, much to the anger of the Catholic community as a whole.

    Madonna would not be considered a "witch" because in the old language the word "witch" actually means "wise-one" (although many have called her wise because she has managed to keep re-inventing herself all these years and is still considered a major "draw" to audiences).

    As for being a "devil" I'm sure that that can be said by many.

    Madonna's children are as follows:

    1. Lourdes (daughter). She was born to Madonna and Carlos Leon (a physical trainer and wanna-be back-up dancer). Madonna chose not to marry Carlos, but does share custody of Lourdes with him.

    2. Rocco (son). He was born to Madonna and her present Husband Guy Ritchie, thus making Lourdes & Rocco half-brother and sister.

    3. David (son). He was recently adopted and is not Madonna's biological child.

    Have a lovely rest of the day.

  • Madonna, the singer, is a very intelligent woman with a keen sense of business and how to keep herself in the public eye. (don't get me wrong, I am most definitely NOT a fan, don't like her or her music) I just give credit where credit is due.

    I don't know what her religion is, so I can't say for sure if she is a Witch or not. What I can say for sure is that she is NOT the devil.

  • actually her daughter looks like the father and is a min version of what madonna looked like at her age...

    but madonna is neither a witch or she devil she is.....

    her own empire

  • It's called adoption. She's neither witch nor devil, just a lost fool.

  • shes an idiot.

    she keeps in with the fashion and the fashion is to adopt.

    shes not an artist or anything like one. She advertises herself as the latest fashion icon, with the latest music and the latest clothes and thats it shes just a person who likes to think shes someone she isnt.

  • Probably a She-devil.

  • Madonna is a slave to the propaganda and music industry.

    She is an object although she can think and (sometimes)... sing ... as well as she can.

    She's a hype. Too silly to be a witch !! she's a ***** !

  • are you talking about the singer? She's just an old woman with a fake british accent who doesn't need to be wearing tight clothes anymore. Nothing more.

  • she adopted those kids, thats something your parents should have done, then u wouldnt be around to ask such a question

    stop making fun of people who r doing good

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