Who do you trust more politicians/government or citizens/private sector?

Who do you trust more the politicians & government or the citizens & the private sector?

Which group demonstrates more competence?


  • citizens/private sector

    I can't name one government program that has been run efficiently.

  • I trust the government more than the private sector. After Lincoln Savings and Loan, Silverado Savings, Enron, Wall Streets mortgage scam(s) you'd have to be a moron to trust the private sector.

    Our politicians give the private sector Carte Blanc to prey on the 99%

  • i have a distrust of them both.

    you can relay upon business and the private sector to have its interests at heart, profit mainly or just money in general, i don't put any more trust into a company then i need to, i.e i ll have to trust what i am buying is ok, but i wouldn't trust the company to have my best interests at heart necessarily.

    i trust government to an extent, i trust in what it needs to do, i.e allow me to be an individual have be able to pursue my dreams with the only limitation being that my pursuit doesn't interfere with the lives of others in a negative way, to a large part i trust them to be able to maintain order, infrastructure etc, the stuff that i need to live, beyond that i tend not to trust to government, they proven that to a large extent they can maintain order, and for along time they have been able to do that and although people may not agree with me i feel happy that i am able to go out and do what i need, i ve got free education, to a large extent "free" health care etc.

    the problem is, politicians get a lot of scrutiny so every time they mess up which happens because they are human so i tend to lose faith in their competence, and i tend not to trust the private sector just in general so its a difficult dilemma . i d have to go with government to have my trust, they have proven themselves to be able to manage this state its debatable how well, but i have a roof over my head, food on the table, and i am not some starving aids riddled african kid.

  • I trust individuals more if I know them personally and found them trustworthy,that would include some politicians. I do trust my bank and other financial institutions with my money,but only out of necessity. Same with governments,I trust they are doing the right thing,but suspect there are some shenanigans going on under the radar. It isn't the government per se I distrust,but the individuals in the government who are unscrupulous.

  • Citizens/private are more competent but we do need some goverment oversight. Extremists on both sides go to far.

    I do not want to fly on a plane that only thinks about cost. Most would not but it takes one nut looking for a big bonus over safety,

  • the first public sector and the subsequent length of the authorities is a drain on the business gadget. the authorities does not produce a amenities or products for a earnings. they purely eat our tax money. There are 14.6 million federal workers. inner most is shown to be more desirable effective, both in high quality and value.

  • The government is at least transparent and able to be fired by the people.

  • I don't trust anyone....but at least with the government there is some basic oversight, and checks and balances.

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