who controls a public school vs. a charter school?

I know there is a board of directors for schools, but for example a charter school has members from the govt, members that are very smart university professors or even state representatives. so what typr of members are on a public school board?


  • Public schools are governed by their district. Usually districts are set regionally. Their board members, at least in my state, are elected, like a city counsel member would be. In my local city, there are board members who are a professor, a PhD from a scientific lab, a former teacher, and a housewife with a high school education. In my opinion, that's how it ought to be, it represents our community. Charter school's directors are appointed by the school. There is no real say for the community if they don't like it's leadership, except by walking from the school. They stay as long as they are reappointed by themselves. Charter schools are receive their monies in the same way that other public schools do. It comes from the state or the local taxes. Their charters are given by the county board of education in our area. Charter school board members *may* be very smart people, like professors, state representatives etc, but they don't have to be. They may also be the local auto-mechanic or any other member of the community, like our school board. There is no minimum requirement. Charter schools are great, because their governance is local, rather than regional. However, they are not necessarily better than any other school simply because they have that fancy "charter" in their name. One in my area has been shut down for "financial irregularities" (taking commercial pay day loans to make payroll while the director drives a Mercedes leased by the school), extremely poor test results, and failure to purchase curriculum and supplies for the school. Another charter school is very well run and is an excellent example of an independently run public school.

  • Charter schools are still public schools. They just are set up differently, but still fall under the local school district control. School board members are elected by the community.

  • Charter schools ARE public schools. They are 'chartered' by local school boards to operate in their district.

    Public school boards are generally elected by the residents of the district.


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