500 calories per day?

This is my 4th day of eating approx 500 calories. I'm trying to consume protein and just small amounts of everything else, coming out at no more than 500calories a day. I want to lose weight rapidly. I plan to use Saturday as a 'normal eating' day so my body doesn't freak out and think its starving. So do you guys think I will lose weight quite fast keeping my calories this low?

I am quite active as a I work all day long in my job but I feel quite weak and my legs ache already... I am taking a multi vitamin though.


  • Yes you'll lose weight but It's unlikely you'll keep it off. Your metabolism is very slow right now and is currently in starvation mode, this means that you'll gain the weight back once you start eating normally again. Once every 5 days of eating normally is not enough to trick your body. If you want to do that kind of thing to lose weight then the Alternate Day diet would be more beneficial. Right now you'll only be losing muscle and water, little fat if any at all. I advise you not to continue.

    Hope this helped.

  • You either have or are on your way to developing an eating disorder. Yes, you might lose a lot of weight, but you'll also lose muscle, nutrients, and more and more of your sanity, and you might just plateau and stop losing weight, or rebound and gain it all back and then some.

    Talk to a therapist about why you're feeling motivated to make such drastic choices, increase your calories to at least 1600 a day, and lose any weight you need to lose slowly and sanely.

  • this is going to make your body think its starving, and like you say, you're already feeling weak. when dieting, you are not meant to eat any less than 1200 calories.. usually more if you have an active job. my housemate ate 1200 calories a day and exercised 6 nights a week and has lost 15 kilos in just 11 weeks. if you starve your body like you are, your metabolism slows down and when you have your "normal eating" day your body will store everything you eat. you're better to eat sensibly every day and do a bit of exercise. otherwise its not going to work, trust me.

  • Theres your undertaking. you basically consume 500 energy. the energy are immediately grew to become into fat through fact the physique thinks you have little to consume. consume 1200 energy minimum in line with day with a BALANCED eating habitual. ingesting much less would not paintings, ingesting precise is the only way.

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