do dumbells affect your growth?
I've been trying to find a reliable workout to improve my vertical so that i can get closer to the rim. i am a 14 year old athlete and i have found so many workouts but i just don't know which to use, i want to use a workout that would not affect my growth in anyway and i found one specific workout that i heard helps with your vertical a lot and the workout is basically where you hold a dumbell in each hand and you start jumping. the workout is shown in this video . My question is that does this workout affect your growth in anyway or not because i am still growing and i do not want to stop or something like that.
Yes, if you've ever been to a doctor they'll tell you that. Especially at your age. Some appropriate workouts would be constant rim touches, or just anything that has to do with jumping really, but if you really want to obtain that goal, try even squatting, it pays off.
dude just run and when your 18 start lifting belief me don't take a crush male and kill yourself in the gym
no unless you train