what does a transvestite do?

do they use men or women restrooms or just pick either. if they arnt transformed all the way is it illegal to pick one


so does this mean that any pervert can dress as the opposite sex and go into the opposite room


  • transvestites are men who get aroused by dressing as women. to my knowledge i don't know any so i can say what they do. me though, i am a women who was born transsexual and so i use the ladies room because that is what i am and look like. i refuse go sit on a filthy toilet seat wear thousands of random guys have peed all over everything so yeah.

    to answer your second question. "so does this mean that any pervert can dress as the opposite sex and go into the opposite room?" yes and no when they begin acting pervy they will get in trouble and likely charged with a crime if the police are involved. going to the restroom is not a crime but acting like a sexual deviant in either restroom is no matter if it's the mens room or ladies.

  • You have a real good "grasp" on the situation regarding your inquiry... Too bad, its your grasp on a certain area..?

    "Can any pervert" etc etc... my oh my, are you headed in the wrong direction in life...

    Stoop thinking with the "little head" and think more with the "big head"

    And why would you be even asking such a question..?

    To which - it all depends on the location / venue... If a c/d - t/v is in a c/d - t/v friendly lounge, bar, etc, the protocol would be to find out which washroom is assessable to them for usage.

    Now why in the world would one want to be out in public if not as you put it "transformed all the way"..? What would be the purpose of that scenario..?

    Do you personally feel that YOU can put on a skirt / dress -what-have-you, and that you will be "ACCEPTED"?

    Is this a "curiousity / testing the waters" sort of thing that you're wanting to do. If you are not going to go out in publich "fully" dressed - c/w make up, wig, HIGH HEELS, etc, I ask - WHY BOTHER...? You will only be scorned to the nines - trust me.

    And in case you are wondering what makes me such an authority on all of this - I am a long time c/d - t.v with an extensive wardrobe, and do the public "scene" and you have to do what is the "norm" and not stand out in a crowd.

    Rachelle In High Heels

  • A transvestite is generally a man who dresses up as a woman for kicks. He is normally married and straight.

    This is different from a transexual or transgendered person who lives 24/7 as the opposite sex and can be a woman or a man who has transistioned. It often involves taking hormones and surgery. A transvestite doesn't do the hormones or surgery and it is generally just a "dressing up in my wife's thong" sort of thing.

  • Bear with me here as I will get to your question. But first you need to understand the terms so that you can better comprehend my answer.

    A transvestite (latin for "crossdresser"), is medically defined as a heterosesxual male who dresses in the opposite gender and has recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving cross-dressing.

    This is not to be confused with Gender Identity Disorder (or transgendered) which is defined as:

    A. A strong and persistent cross-gender identification (not merely a desire for any perceived cultural advantages of being the other sex). In adolescents and adults, the disturbance is manifested by symptoms such as a stated desire to be the other sex, frequent passing as the other sex, desire to live or be treated as the other sex, or the conviction that he or she has the typical feelings and reactions of the other sex.

    B. Persistent discomfort with his or her sex or sense of inappropriateness in the gender role of that sex. In adolescents and adults, the disturbance is manifested by symptoms such as preoccupation with getting rid of primary and secondary sex characteristics (e.g., request for hormones, surgery, or other procedures to physically alter sexual characteristics to simulate the other sex) or belief that he or she was born the wrong sex.

    C. The disturbance is not concurrent with a physical intersex condition.

    D. The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

    A transsexual is someone who actually has a strong desire to go through or has had a sex change operation.

    Now to your answer from a legal point. When one goes to trans related bars/clubs, it's all based on how you dress as. Dress as girl, goes to female restrooms and dressed as male goes to male restrooms.

    However in mainstream society, this is a bit different. Many states have anti-discriminatory laws, protecting transgendered (transsexuals inclusive) to express their gender orientation (the gender that they feel they are). These laws are specific for those with diagnosed gender identity issues.

    Transvestism is not considered a gender identity disorder, but as a sexual fetish, therefore these protective laws would not apply.

    Simply put, if it's a transgender or transsexual, then it's legal, but if you're a transvestite and you go into a women's restroom in a public place, you're riding on thin ice.

    Keep in mind, the police will have the burden to prove that you are a transvestite and not transgender/transsexual and that you are using the women's room for sexual gratification.

  • Transvestites

    If you mean crossdressers, they usually use the one in which they are dressed as

    If you mean Transsexuals,

    then it would be the restroom which would be appropriate for the one we're transitioning to. Foer example in my case, I'm mtf (male to female) Born male but now I have a feminine body. I use the ladies' room

  • An FTM uses male stalls

    An MTF uses female stalls

    Or otherwise if they're so inclined, but a male who has been 'transformed' into a female going into a male toilet would attract attention.

  • I think they just use the one they dress up as, for example a man dressed as a woman and looking like a woman would use the womans bathroom.

  • As long as they don't use the Mens restrooms and come anywhere near me or I would have to smack it because I hate anything like that. I can't understand gay but that sort of thing is even worse. They ponce about in dresses, wigs and make up making a mockery out of real women. They look like some pantomime dame gone wrong.

  • there is no law against using a mens restroom if you are female or vice versa. they use which ever they want.

  • well they use whatever sex they were before i think..

    because some perverts would chagne sexes just to go to the womens locker rooms or restroom just to see women naked.

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