Does coffe affects blood pressure?

I've been warned due to my high pressure, but I drink a lot of coffe.


  • Caffeine in coffee causes blood vessels to constrict this increases blood pressure as well as stimulating metabolism which also runs up your blood pressure.

    Decaffeinated coffee still contains some caffeine so even if you switch you need to reduce your consumption.

    A good work out program including some cardio work out every day will help lower blood pressure as much as any other single thing you might do.

    Be sure to consult a health pro before any exercise program.

  • If you suffer from high blood pressure the less caffeine you consume the better as caffeine increases your blood pressure.

    In general there is less caffeine in tea than coffee.

    If you dilute your tea or coffee as much as possible you will reduce your caffeine intake.

    The weaker your tea or coffee the better.

  • I am 30 yrs old & on a blood pressure "water" pill. I seldomily have coffee, but yes its a trigger to blood pressure issues.

    Reduce your salt in, exercise, and limit your caffine. Maybe try decaf once in awhile.

  • yes, coffee has caffeine that brings constriction of your blood vessels leading to higher blood pressure..

  • yes, caffeine tends to thin the blood, but it also increases kidney function dehydrating you

  • oYes, caffeine will make the body release adrenaline and that raises your blodpressure and heart rate.

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