How to preserve a rose!?!?

Ok so i got a rose from a person. and it's special to me. i want to preserve it and keep it for memories. i m not talking about keeping it exactly the way it is now cause obviously you can't do that. but any ideas on how to keep it in the best state i can for years to come? ( its a natural rose)

Thank you! : )


  • My idea is to buy a can of clear spray paint. That might work. Or, call a flower shop and ask them.

  • To experience your roses as long as obtainable, use the floral preservative that have been given right here alongside mutually with your bouquet. combination the preservative (following guidelines on the packet) with heat water. confirm that your vase is delicate, upload the water with floral preservative into the vase. decrease approximately 0.5 of inch off of the stems of the roses then organize in vase. After enjoying your rose bouquet, mutually as those are nevertheless present day and you compromise directly to maintain your roses, wrap the stems with twine or rubber band and draw close the different way up. the phenomenal area to attraction to close your roses or any plant existence is in a heat, dry and dark area with in simple terms suited air circulate. The darkness prevents shade fading and the dry, heat and air circulate inspire moisture evaporation. verify on your flora oftentimes to keep away from overdrying. test in the event that they are dry and rigid, if so, your upkeep efforts are total. organize your roses the way you desire it and site in a cool, dry section removed from direct image voltaic.

  • There's this spray, epoxy or something, that's clear when dry. It'll encase your rose 'til eternity or when he breaks your heart, 'chever comes first. Ask your neighborhood florist.

  • I would put it in a lockbox or something, if it's that important to you.

  • put it in water and freeze it

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