How Do New Borns Poo or Pee?

When i was on vacation my parents surprised me and took me to these place in Pennsylvania to get my pup Dexter. the first place were we got dexter the seller was not there so we started looking 4 another place to buy puppies so we asked this guy that was on the cell phone with his friend that was giving him a puppy and he... u no what im just gonna say it the place had 7 week old new born puppies and i was just wondering how they use the bathroom does it come out like mouse drippings and little drops of pee it may sound outrageous but i don't wanna mate my dog and be totally shocked please tell me!!!!!


  • I would edit this and use punctuation - i can barely understand the question...

    Do you mean 7-week-old pups or 7 1-week-old pups? Puppies cannot be separated from mom and litter until they are eight weeks old and in most places it is illegal to sell or own one under eight weeks unless you are a breeder - anyone selling week old pups is an irresponsible idiot and you should stay far away from them.

    But in response to your question, a puppy sold at the right age (eight weeks) will poop and pee like any other dog. Size of poo/pee depends ont he breed: smaller dogs have smaller excrement. However one week old pups need to be stimulated by their mother to use the bathroom, and the mother usually "eats" it to keep the den clean.

    I can't help but notice you also say you want to "mate" your dog - this is a BAD idea. Responsible breeders will only sell a dog on limited contracts - meaning the dog must be spayed/neutered unless you show the dog and win the competitions (at which time you would get in contact with the original breeder for further help.)

    Your dog is likely not going to be breeding quality, which means he/she could pass on undesirable traits as well as painful genetic conditions. Unless you have experience with contracts and making sure people keep them... chances are the pups will end up in shelters at some point.

    Get your dog fixed. Death of the b*tch is VERY common when people breed with no mentor (and subsequently no clue.)

  • They typically litter box train somewhere around 4 or 5 weeks old, but some kittens will take longer, depending on if their mother is around or not. Just like children, some catch on quickly, while others take a bit to get the idea. Before they litter box train, their mother stimulates them to go to the bathroom, and cleans up after them. Kittens need to be in a confined area so they won't end up injured. You need to make a safe place for the mom and her babies to be together.

  • Puppies pee and can make a nice puddle depending on the size of the puppy. They also poop, usually it's easy to clean up. Crate training the puppy will help to make sure they get house trained, and will do their business outside. If all this sounds shocking, you do not need a puppy!!!

  • STOP! Take your dog and get it fixed. There are to many animals in shelters NOW and more now then ever because of the recesion. Our shelter has seen a HUGH jump in drop offs becux people want this puppy til they cant feed it.

  • I used to breed my dog. She loved being a mother.

    But anyway the mother licks them and eats the poo. and licks up the pee. It is gross but thats how it happens. At 7 weeks they should be on puppy food. I thinks its a great thing to breed. You get to experience something great. Depends on your dog, but mine never wanted me to leave her side till she was done having her puppies. She was a great mom.


    New borns are licked by the mother which stimulates their bowels. the mother eats the poop!!

    7 week olds are eating PUPPY FOOD and poop normally ( which needs to be cleaned up by YOU)


  • Are you only 8yo or on drugs???

    Rational adults can say big scary adult words like urinate & are NOT fascinated by elimination.

    People!! Attention please......this an ADMITTED *12yo* TROLL!

    Kindly report & delete!

  • Please go here


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