Nudes??? or no nudes?

When i get really horny talking to this guy i really want him to see me and what im doing by sending him nudes but i contemplate wether i should and i do trust him alot, hes mature about things like this


  • Stephanie, is this guy ur bf, if not dont send him a nude photo of urself for a few reasons. U say hes mature and u trust him but he could just be saying that to get u to send him photos of urself nude and maybe if hes mad at u one day he could upload them on the internet for everyone to see. (Im not saying he would do this and prolly wouldnt but do u wanna take that chance)

    Also at least date this guy for a little while and make him work a little until u show him ur naked self cuz it may seem like its a ok idea now but u could regret it down the road especially if this guy isnt as trustworthy and great as u make him out to be. Im a guy and prolly every guy who responds to this will tell u to send em the nude pics, but honestly dont, at least not til the guy is a little more commitedd to u. As a guy id like to see a girl i liked send me nude photos but honestly id kinda think she was a slut unless she was my gf! Hope i helped and didnt come off as rude with slut comment but im just being honest. Be carefull and GL

  • This question is in violation of the yahoo community guidelines.

    This now is a federal crime punishable by up to 1 year if federal prison or a 10.000 dollar fine.

    FBI just thought you might want to know.

  • Don't send anything you don't want put on the internet... the internet is forever.

    He may have you impressed, but may very well be playing you.

  • he WILL show his friends, It doesnt matter HE WILL SHOW THEM. We guys show our guy friends because we can be quiet about things. We only trust our friends we trust though. So that when we do show them they dont tell anyone

  • Don't do it, you'll regret it, alot.


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