How do you react?

When people sing "Happy Birthday" to you, at a restaurant? When is the last time that has happened to you (If it has)?


  • I usually just smile, laugh inside a bit....and say thank you...

    No reason to ruin everyone elses time!

  • On my 13th or 12th birthday party my dad made some ppl sing for me and i hated it eversince then.

  • I smile outwardly but inside I am totally embarrased and am cringing! About 6 yrs ago.

  • we have a restaurant here that have staff come your table and sing an embarrassing b day song to it's clients..there has never been a night when I've been there ,that it wasn't some ones day...Jungle Jims.......I take my friends there...but not on MY b day lol................

  • my last birthday tonja my wife told the resturant staff it was my birthcay an they sang happy birthday to me i loved it.

  • I go "ok who lied to the waitress". My boyfriend knows better than to do this to me. Can't remember the last time it happened. ; )

  • It's never happened, but if it did... one of the workers would be wearing the burger they just brought me.

  • It has never happened to me but I think that it would be very nice.

  • I cover my face and pretend that I'm invisible

  • i was 21 and i wanted to bury myself in the nearest hole i could find.

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