how many times a day do you.....?

Catch yourself cussing up a storm?

I did today and it made me wonder if i have been doing this for a long time and never noticed, or if was some thing new I just started


  • Sometimes a few will slip out but I really try to refrain as much as possible.

  • I am from Oklahoma, so I really like the way you worded this question. I cuss up a storm every day. I'm just a potty mouth.

  • I don't cuss much, but when i get mad i've been known to say a few things i shouldn't.

  • I try my best not to. Once in a while --usually if I'm alone-- if something happens that ticks me off, a word might slip out.

    But I prefer not to speak that way if I can help it.

  • Never. I think I have a some sort of brain wiring problem that makes it impossible. Oh well.

  • quite a few times & usually its while I'm driving- alot of people cut in front of you, do not use there blinkers and drive very slow on the road and so i get angry.

  • I usually do it a couple times a day...but it depends on what happened

  • Whenever my mouth is open.

    I'm just a big sailor like that, I guess. That and I have a frustrating work life.


  • I calm the storm !

  • Only when I drive and I am being attacked on all sides by idiots.

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