How do I prevent "lip gunk"?

You know that film you get where your lips meet shortly after applying certain lip glosses? The gloss residue? Grrrrrrrrraaaar I hate that! I want to wear the glosses and lipsticks but not when there's always the gunk! Do ya'll get it? How do you prevent it?


  • i know exactly what you're talking about, wear a really moisturizing lip balm under your lip gloss and you'll avoid all the mess.


  • Every morning or night you should exfoliate your lips with a wash cloth. just wipe excess "gunk" off until they are smooth. After they dry apply a moisturizing lip balm or chapstick (carmex is best) before applying lipstick or lip gloss. It also may be because of the type of lipstick/lipgloss you are using. Make sure the lipstick/gloss is moisturizing and a well known brand. blot your lips every so often to prevent that stuff to come up and get rid of it when it does. remember EXFOLIATE!! ^.^

  • Lip Gunk

  • Another thing that will help... when you are in the shower, right before you get out... rub the extra skin off of your lips. It exfoliates them and they come out very smooth. I never get chapped lips or the dry lip look since doing this. I wear lip color and gloss every day without any problems.

  • take a old tooth brush and exfoliate your lips first by rubbing it in little circle over your lips. THen pt on a moistureizing lip balm. lip liner, transcluesent powder, lipstick, powder, gloss

  • For the best answers, search on this site

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  • put liquid foundation on your lips before applying lipstick

  • your using tooo much gloss use only one layer.

    if i put two layers on i get the same thing.

  • Don't put it on so thick, and dab your lips on a napkin to get rid of excess.

  • i know EXACTLY how you feel!! I just asked a question like this not too long ago and here's the answers that i got:;_ylt=As0AR...

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