Is "does" spelled "dose" in Canada?

A Canadian friend of mine said that "does" is spelled "dose" in Canada. I didn't believe him, but I'm not Canadian. Is it true?


  • Does is spelled does in Canada.

    Your friend either 1) doesn't (does not) know how to spell or 2) is pulling your leg (as in, a harmless prank)

    A dose is a completely different word.

    One female deer or goat is a doe. Plural of doe is does, but not pronounced dose.


  • No, it isn't. Does is spelled does in Canada, the same as it is in the whole English speaking world. Your friend can't spell, is all it is, in common with about half the people here, most from the US, who don't know how to spell "does" either.

  • They're two completely different words.

    Does (rhymes with 'fuzz') - "He does not know how to spell Canadian English."

    Dose (with an "oh" as in 'post') - "Your friend took a dose of stupid pills before telling you that."

  • No. It's 'does'

    It's sad that the english language is being butchered through texting, online slang etc.. no wonder so many kids can't spell.


  • (S)he's yanking your chain.

    Does means exactly the same in ALL English speaking Countries, as does (no pun intended) Dose.

    Good Luck!

  • It's spelt does.

  • No. It's just a typo... which has become a slang.

  • It is spelled does, and just to clarify Canadians (unless they are rednecks) say about not ABOOT.

  • no, it's a typo. don't believe your friend

  • Your friend is so wrong because Canadian accents are very clear.

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