Is Obama a good president?

This is just a simple question I am posting, I already know my position, but I'd just like to see you guys comment and discuss your current beliefs on the situation. My side will be divulged with the top comment I choose.

My question is, do you believe Obama is a good president. Please provide a viable answer and factual information to back your position.


  • NO! Not because he is black, but because he is a liar. The main reasons. Benghazi, NSA, IRS. Said he was going to bring political parties together. All hes doing is separating them. Obama care? Have to have it or you get arrested? People cant afford that! I'm not going to even name anymore because they're are too many reasons. My views. He should be impeached.

  • He is a horrible president.

    I thought we had sunk as low as we could go when Jimmy Carter had the job. I am sorry to say that Obummer has surpassed "El Teetho's" inept administration in every way.

    As we watch this administrations foreign policy debacle unfold in the Middle East you search for historical events to compare it to.

    The only one that even comes close in the modern era is short sighted and ultimately disastrous policies the European Powers followed after the Armistice that ended WWI

    The litany of missteps and ridiculous pronouncements that led from the peace table to Chamberlain's "Peace in our Time" are well documented.

    If it was possible to make a blunder, they made it.

    The end result was WWII

    Today, we watch as Obummer rides down this same path of bombastic rhetoric, threats, appeasement, confusion and indecision.

    We are at a turning point in history

    Iran, China and Russia have formed a new axis of power. That was proclaimed when China and Russia walked out of the Security Council chambers together, putting the kibosh on efforts to sanction Syria and Iran.

    It has thrown the western powers into a tizzy, and they have yet to formulate any response beside "Oh *hit"

    Obummer is in the hot seat, and has shown his true mettle as a leader. As he watched his plans crash and burn, he went running to Congress to try to get them to share in the defeat.

    Their response was very simple.

    "Hey - Don't you know we're on summer vacation?"

    "You just mind the store, We'll be back in town in a week or so and then we'll tell you what to do"

    I suspect that by the time the 2014 elections roll around, we are going to be seeing a true world wide disaster.

    The Legacy of the Worst President Ever

    Barack Obama

  • No. He has achieved very little as president.

  • Not in any way, shape or form.

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