Do I have a developmental disorder?

I don't want to associate myself with anybody that doesn't share my interests. I am very smart, and I am total geek. I think that social interaction isn't important. Despite the fact that, in the back of my mind, I know that it is a very important skill. I simply don't like other people that much, unless we have a relatively ridiculous amount of common ground.


  • I don't think you have a development disorder, I just think that you are simply selective of who you choose to speak to. Why you are so selective, I have absolutely no idea. Maybe you find those less intelligent than you, to an extent, inferior or you find them very annoying or perhaps you have had a bad social experience?

    It makes sense to have friends who share commonalities, hobbies and views on things and I'm fairly sure this is how friendships are formed...

    I'm trying to understand where you are coming from, as I'm also really smart (I attend an academically selective high school, but i'm not a 'geek') but I've never been in a situation where I have had to deal with people who aren't similar to myself on a daily basis, seeing as someone's intelligence is reflected in their behaviour and actions. I think that you may simply be around people who are not of the same intelligence and because of that you find them irritating and unworthy to speak to. A lot of people from my high school do share this view on the students of neighbouring high schools in our area.

    Or you could just not like people and be an extremely exclusive person. I do know people like that.

    Just be more accepting of others if you can.

    I sound like a total cocky ***** in this, soz.

  • The only way you can surly know if you have any type of disorder is by going to a psychiatrist and getting diagnosed. Taking tests online and reading symptoms isn't a diagnosis. Social interaction is extremely important. How would this world work without it? It wouldn't. I don't have much, actually not at all any type of social interaction except via the internet and it's has made me have many problems in my life. Not liking people who don't have the same interests as you is quite narrow minded of you to say. There are many, upon millions of people in the world. We can all teach and learn each other different things. That being said, there is nothing wrong with finding friends that like the same things as us. It's normal, to have friends that we have things in common with. But I'm not so sure it's "smart" of you to rule out every single other person that doesn't like everything you like or think the way you do. It's diversity and it's beautiful. We were made to have different opinions, outlooks and thoughts. So lets accept everyone for who they are.

  • aspergers may be possible, but, you may also have social anxiety. Either way, if you want to socialize and have friends, you'll need to see a therapist as you've learned to socialize wrong.

    I wish I could put it more nicely, but, not everyone is going to be like you.

  • visit doc ASAP

  • go tot he doc

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