Horizontal asymptotes?


Shouldnt the answer be +/- 2, but it says that cannot be factored

yet (x^2-9) can be factored and its factors are (x-3)(x+3)????


  • Equating the denominator to zero would be finding the vertical asymptotes, not the horizontal asymptotes. If you want to find the horizontal asymptotes, you can either use long division or use another trick:

    (4x^2)/(x^2-4) = 4(x^2-4)+16/(x^2-4)

    which then simplifies to 4+16/(x^2-4), meaning that the horizontal asymptote is y=4

  • lim x-->∞ 4x^2 /(x^2-4)

    = lim x-->∞ 4x^2 / (x^2 (1-4/x^2)

    = lim x-->∞ 4 / (1-4/x^2)

    As x approaches ∞, 4/x^2 approaches 0

    lim x-->∞ 4 /1 = 4

    y= 4 is the horizontal asymptote

  • Let y = 4x²/(x² - 4)

    so, y = 4(x² - 4)/(x² - 4) + 16/(x² - 4)

    i.e. y = 4 + 16/(x² - 4)

    As x --> ± ∞, x² - 4 --> ∞

    Hence, 16/(x² - 4) --> 0

    So, y --> 4 + 0....i.e. y = 4...horizontal asymptote


  • Well,

    the limit at +/-oo of a rational fraction (quotient of two polynomials) is equivalent to the limit of the ratio of monomials of highest degree,

    so, here

    lim ( x ---> +/-oo ) 4x^2/(x^2 - 4) = lim ( x ---> +/-oo ) 4x^2/x^2 = 4


    the horizontal line of equation y = 4 is horizontal asymptote to the curve.

    hope it' ll help !!

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