Can you transfer as a police officer?

Hi i want to be a police officer when i grow up. I would like to start my career in my current town for about 2-4 years to save up some money and then move to Denver, Colorado. My question is after doing 2-4 years here can ask for a transfer and then they transfer me or would i have to tell them im leaving and stuff like that? my question is if i do transfer would i have to take all the training and exam again or just start off where i was here?


  • Getting a Career start is good.

    Transfer is another subject matter.

    The personnel Department in Colorado should be contacted to see what they say.

    Many states are now accepting lateral transfers from out of state who are POST certified.

    You would have to take courses in traffic codes, Criminal codes that would apply to the state of Colorado. Some states have a 2-4 week cross over course.

    The retirement in many states can be purchased with in your first year for the years served in your other job to be bought in Colorado.

  • The second department would appreciate your experience, but there would be no "transfer" in the way you're thinking. The two employers would be unrelated.

    Keep in mind that police officers often earn pensions, which require continuous employment. Moving to a new job would reset the calendar.

  • You resign and apply in Denver, your certification will be all you will need, other than an update on the laws, and ordinances, that are applicable to the city

  • No, you cannot unless you happen to move to another town.

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