Wrestlemania fans why?

What is so appealing about watching fake wrestlers and horrible actors on tv?

My husband said he watches it because it's so stupid...I think that stupid is as stupid does in that respect ;-)


My husband controls the remote so yes I do get up and leave.

I was just trying to understand the appeal. I guess it boils down to preference but I guess I prefer something that challenges the mind a little more maybe.


  • This goes back to the days of Caesar where the gladiators would fight to the death only they didn't hit each other with chairs and pretend they were kicked in the face and fall to the ground.

    It's a type of entertainment Nay it's not for everyone, my brother likes it, he's a huge Undertaker fan. I think it's pretty lame but so is a lot of television.

    I think you just need to distract that husband of yours and get the remote from him and change the channel ;)

    Girls that get into it must have been indoctrinated by watching dad or brothers. I just don't see any other reason it would appeal to chicks, unless they like the hard bodies but like you said some of those guys are pretty nasty.

    as a personal trainer i see overbuilt guys all the time and I don't know what the hell goes on through their heads, it's an obsession or something.

  • Really if you don't enjoy watch the show don't watch it! Really nobody forces you to watch the show really get up and leave the room or change the channel because obviously there are people who watch the show and and enjoy watch these wrestlers perform and like to watch the entertainment backstage as well.

  • It doesn't have re-runs, its entertaining and can i say that movies are fake too - im sure you have seen plenty of movies for that matter. The difference between movies and wrestling is that in films you can have tons of takes were as in Wrestling if you screw up once then the whole world see's your mistake.

    What i dont get it how people come on here and ignorantly call it fake. They DO get hurt, they DO train and they DO put hardwork into it. You may think Wrestling is stupid but i also think this question is stupid.




  • ENTERTAINMENT that's why I tell you is it entertaining or what to watch people go threw tables

  • it's apparent that you are one of those up the *** tight bitches. so let me put it to you this way DONT LIKE IT DONT WATCH IT

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