Does Christianity regard knowledge as a sin?

I've read varying opinions but it would explain a lot.


'Always remember to differentiate between knowledge and mere information. Especially in this internet age the latter is very easy to find, but the former, not so'.

Thanks, Graham. I'll bear that in mind. Is it OK to order books online or will the classics be reduced to mere information during transit?


  • Are all unbelievers ignorant or is it just you!

  • No.


    P.S. Regarding the Biblical account of Adam and Eve: the forbidden fruit was not the fruit of the tree of knowledge; rather, it was the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil - a very specific knowledge. I think you can probably remember occasions when you first became acquainted with a particular sort of evil - when you first recognized that there are some people who commit a particular sinful act that you literally never even imagined doing. This is the "knowledge of evil" - not just knowledge of morality, but knowledge of sins that you literally did not possess previously, that probably would never have occurred to you if you had not been exposed to such knowledge. If such knowledge did not exist in the world, clearly the world would be a better place.

  • It does seem like a compelling idea... an evil religion, holding back knowledge from everyone.

    However, if you really study history... you'll see that it isn't that simple, nor black n white.

    Throughout MOST of the middle ages in Europe.. WHO had knowledge? - Christianity, or more precisely the Catholic Priests/Monks.

    If it had not been for the Catholic church... MOST knowledge would have been lost. The Church actually stockpiled knowledge and at times... was the only literate person for miles and miles.

    The implications of this are profound. That means when Europe emerged from the dark ages.. it was the CHURCH that led the way and shared that knowledge.

    Also, if we look at history.. we'll notice that Rationalism, the Scientific method, etc. flourished in the West, more so than the east... and did so while Christianity was at nearly the HEIGHT of its influence on culture.

    SO.. knowledge seemed to actually spread, not stifled, while Christianity was influential.

    There are also countless contributors to the advancement of knowledge.. many of whom were NOT just religious.. but some actually Priests, themselves.

    1) Father of Genetics - Gregory Mendel - Catholic Monk

    2) Big Bang Theory - Georges Le Maitre - Catholic Priest

    ALSO.. if you look closely at the development of the Scientific Method itself.. you'll see the indelible mark of Christian Philosophy, as well.

    Men like Thomas Acquainas, a philosopher who used Aritstole's concepts about truth and knowledge to search for PHYSICAL EVIDENCE and to begin to work on the basic tenets of the Scientific Method.. the idea that natural observations should support one's theories.

    Even the whole Galileo controversy actually supports the idea that Science and Christianity are not adveseraries. While many people think the Church put Galileo under house arrest to stop his ideas... ACTUALLY, the Church had the support of Science at the time. People forget that Copernicus came up with the same ideas as Galileo and was not stopped by the Church, his work was even supported finacially by the Pope.

    Secondly, MOST of Science didn't agree with Galileo at the time.. so you could argue that the Church was siding WITH Science. It is just that Science was WRONG at the time.

    What got Galileo in trouble, was that he tried to change the bible to fit HIS theories... a BIG no-no back then.

    So on the surface.... it is easy NOW for us to look back and feel smug and look down on Christianity. However, if we look at other countries like China and the Middle East, while they were advanced in their own ways, Europe eclipsed ALL OTHER countries in development of advance technologies precise WHILE Christianity was the dominant religion and a significant part of society, even government.

    That is undeniable fact.

  • My Bible says "Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge".

    And to atheists it says "How long will you fools despise knowledge?"

    So no, knowledge is essential.

    Always remember to differentiate between knowledge and mere information. Especially in this internet age the latter is very easy to find, but the former, not so.

  • Basically fundamental statements of Christianity are fallacious. I can prove this:

    Disproving Christianity:-

    I made this proof up a while ago, it’s very stupid but I like it. It’s a reduction on Christianity:


    1. God is alive (For what mortal man has ever heard the voice of the living God speaking out of fire, as we have, and survived? — Deut 5:26)

    2. God obeys his own laws (One and the same law applies to everyone — Num 15:29)

    3. God mandates the death penalty for adultery (If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife—with the wife of his neighbor—both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death — Lev 20:10)

    4. God had sex with Mary (Do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit — Matt 1:20)

    5. Mary was married to another man at the time (Jacob the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary — Matt 1:16)

    (I think you can see where this is going but let’s finish it off)


    1. God committed adultery (P4, P5)

    2. God mandates execution for himself (1, P3)

    3. God is dead (2, P2)

    So we end with the negation of P1. Done. Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?

    After disproving, let me continue...

    The basic fear all Christians have in acquiring knowledge is that they are scared that the present knowledge is correct, so they have to believe but they are under pressure of God as they believe. So, most of the Christians are very very resistant to science and knowledge.

  • John 17:3 This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.

    It depends on what kind of knowledge and what you do with it.

  • Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies.

    But the Bible is full of teaching that we should be learned and knowledgable.

    Some of the biggest stars in the Bible were learned people, Daniel, Moses, Paul.

    But pride is our enemy, and we all battle it.

  • No........God gives us wisdom and knowledge. However, the Bible says that in the last days (now), knowledge will increase.

    Unfortunately for alot of people, this increase in knowledge will turn people who were once on the fence about things to the other side (atheism)....and to their own demise

  • Well, Adam and Eve eating from the tree of knowledge apparantly tainted all of humanity with original sin, so yes. Today knowledge is clearly regarded as a sin, as evolution is so evil according to Christians.

  • As a whole, I do not know. Most likely not.

    Certain branches of certain sects do, however.

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