is doctor info confidential?

while you're at the doctor and they ask if you are sexually active, are they allowed to tell your parents that you are? i know i heard something about signing a paper that says who is allowed to see this info and i believe both my mom and dad are down on there. but i dont remember deciding for myself who can see my paperwork & stuff. i am only 16 though. so if i tell the doctor that im not a virgin can they tell my parents? i dont want to request that their names be taken off the list to where only i can see my information b/c my parents would find out & wonder why i did it and they would suspect something....


  • No they should not tell your parents. You can directly tell the doctor, to keep this info confidential from your parents. It's YOUR medical record, not your parents.

    Even though depending on what state you live in you might be below the age on consent (when sex is legal). But I would express your concern to your doctor blatantly.

  • Generally almost every state in the U.S. has laws that confirm teenagers are entitled to confidential care for the following: sexually transmitted diseases, care for pregnancy, certain mental illnesses like suicide/depression, and drug abuse and addiction.

    Birth control (contraception) services may not have to be confidential depending on in which state you live. No state specifically forbids providing confidential care to a teenager for birth control. In some states, the doctor must believe that without birth control the young person will likely suffer harmful health effects.

  • Yes is confidential, you can even ask for a pregnancy tests and they can not tell; they can only tell your parents if you are dying or any emergency but not about your sexual activity.

    You can always remind your doctor that you want confidentiality, about your sexual history.

  • doctor patient communication is confidential. your parents shouldn't be told that they are not allowed to see your records, they should just be told that the information is confidential.

    also, you are 16 years old. I don't want to encourage promiscuity or anything like that, but if you are behaving responsibly and monogamously in regards to your sexual activity, I don't think you are doing anything wrong. maybe you should just explain to your parents that you are sexually active and the circumstances surrounding that. they will be impressed with your maturity in telling them. always be safe and always command the respect your deserve!

  • the archives is very own. You mom has to attend interior the waiting room. you may bypass on the pill, get a Rx for delivery conrol, pap smear, have an STD, etc. different than, you're able to have a make certain or mum or dad sign as a manner to get an abortion. The commonplace practitioner has to have you ever sign an recommended consent sort or get your verbal permission to speak to every physique. while you're on the gyno's, get on delivery administration, get the loose condoms they supply you, and preserve your self no longer basically from getting pregnant, yet from AIDS, STD's hep, etc.

  • Supposedly there is a doctor.patient confidentiality rule, but like everything else, it is only as good as the doctor's word and ethics.

  • if you are under 17 they have to tell your parents

  • Yes Its a HIPPA law

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