Is Marco Rubio a conservative or a liberal?

What is the difference between his and 0bama's Dream Act? Both would make every illegal in the USA legal because once those eligible to attend college get in the system their relatives become legal along with them.

Didn't Rubio just ensure the Dream Act would pass by taking the debate from Dream Act v. no Dream Act to Democrat Dream Act to Republican Dream Act? How is that conservative?


  • RUBIO has less than 2 years experience and could not run a country in emergency...Oh but wait Gubber Norquist will be running the country and Rubio would only have to know how to work a pen.

    Rubio is coauthor of the Blunt Rubio Bill under the heading of Contraception.

    What does the bill really do under the usual title of Sheep? removes the right for any man or women to be in charge of their own health care. It lists every imaginable medical service for men and women and gives the approval rights to the employer. The employer will be an International corporation and if they say their religion does not believe in doctors you will not have any health care

    SHH! Just call it contraception and the religious idiots will campaign for them...


  • I heard him on Fox News Sunday - he is pretty articulate

    Newsflash: the republicans have a bizarre conservatism based on trying to overturn the constitution and make this country into a Taliban style theocrac while importing chepa labor to suppress the masses. Not my brand of conservatism.

    I favor Romney on a lot of levels.

    Romney had on his website that he is totally opposed to amnesty - on that basis and on his promise to slap a huge tariff on China I supported him.

    If Mitt Romney becomes an etch a sketch on these issues I will oppose him

    Rubio had a watered down verison of the dream act - I am not too happy with that

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  • The idiots in Washington need to listen to the Citizens.

    We want deportations, and don't give me the hype about Obama deporting a record number of illegals.

    He stopped deporting last year, he needs votes.From source:

    Why is Obama doing this now? For the political payoff, in part, as he heads into the 2012 election. He needs all the Latino votes he can get.

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