Is check my pc free a scam?

does it really clean your computer?


  • Some are legit (very few are) but most are scams.

    Out of those that are legit, you will recieve unreliable results. Most of these tests are ran using either automation or some fresh out of college IT person. Both are very unreliable.

    In the end, check with your local PC firms as they often offer a free online testing. I do. Shoot, if you need a checkup, give me a shout. It's free and you can learn how to do it yourself from now on.

  • Yeah, it's probably a scam. Most computers come with protection software. If you are worried about your computer don't do it yourself, bring it to a professional.

    A lot of those programs will upload a virus, and then say, "Sure we found something! Want it off? 50 bucks."

  • It's a scam.... if you download it, it will track your PC and websurfing habits.

    You're better off with learning to clean it yourself. The DIY method is far more effective.

  • I never trust any service that offers to clean my PC. As far as I'm concerned that is the owner's responsibility.

  • It will check your PC, tell you that you have a million viruses, and buy me to clean them. It is a scam.

    Simply Red, who is a TC should be ashamed of himself advocating Glary Utilities, and Caspar Longinus does not seem to know much either with CCleaner, if you were meant to use these junk Microsoft would have supplied them, a friend of mine would insist on using this crap until I refused to fix his computer, he ceased using them and no more trouble.

  • absolute scam. just another clone of double my and similar rip offs.

  • You can clean your computer for free with ccleaner:

  • it's a huge scam, don't download it, don't go near it, use CCleaner.

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