Does paranoia after smoking weed go away?

Ive smoked since about eighth grade on and off. but Ive made a tolerance so i started smoking dank. I got a half oz of some really dank and smoked it every night for about a month. One Friday I ran into the cops. I smoked that night still after the cop thing but i didnt smoke Sat but i did Sun night. when Monday rolled around i had to go to work, but as i was getting ready i had a panic attack like i was having a bad trip but i wasnt high. it scared the hell out of me but i got over it. The same thing started happening periodically everyday, but mostly at night. It was so bad i couldnt work. I went to the doctor and i was prescribed a low dose of Xanax for when i couldnt sleep. I'm still worried i might have panic attacks so i quit, but im not sure if its ok to start smoking again...

Does anyone have any advise they could give me? I'd appreciate it


Ive tried quitting for about a month and im back to normal, but i want to smoke again. Could the anxiety come back?


  • Marijuana and anxiety is weird. For some people with anxiety disorders, smoking marijuana can actually help relieve some of the panic attacks and overall general anxiety. For others, it can actually make anxiety worst. To me, and I am no medical doctor by any means, it sounds as though you probably had a touch of anxiety disorder before, and it was so mild you didn't notice, until you started smoking so much pot. You are one of the unfortunate ones where smoking pot makes it worst. You can probably learn to deal with your anxiety better, but you should probably lay off the pot.

  • I've had experiences pretty much exactly like what you described, I don't think weed is for everyone and if you can't handle it then you shouldn't smoke it otherwise you can suffer from paranoia and derealisation/depersonalisation. Alternatively if you really must insist on smoking weed then i've heard that taking a benzo such as xanax, klonopin etc. while smoking pretty much eliminates all of these paranoid feelings but I wouldn't really reccomend this often as they are addictive and you develop tolerance And yeah staring in a mirror while high is some crazy sh*t! like you just keep staring at how weird its getting, then you snap out of it when you realise how long you've been in the bathroom haha

  • Not really

    In some ways it has but running into the cops will definitely shake you up

    I've never had a panic attack but I get paranoid when I'm driving or whenever I hear sirens

    My only advice is to try and talk yourself out of the paranoia, that's what I do and it usually helps.

  • Uh....stop smoking and see if it helps. Duh....

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