Am I metro sexual or a cross dresser?
Hello! I'm a 19 year old guy. I'm 100% straight.I'm about to hit 2 years with my gf. I love wearing girl's jeans. I love the way they feel and stretch, but i also like the pocket designs that LA Idol jeans have. I don't wear them in public, but i do wear them when i'm home alone. No i don't wear thongs or heels. I shave regularly and take good care of my body.
What are your opinions? Am I metro-sexual or a cross dresser?
You are just normal. Some girls jeans just fit really well. Often they have more spandex than men's jeans. While men's jeans sometimes fell like cardboard the spandex helps with a soft close fit.
Some of the jeans cut for women fit me really well. I have a runners body and I get complements when wearing them. Fine by me.
I have jeans sold for men and some sold for women. What makes them man's jeans is a man is wearing them.
One of my friends teenage daughters was going to throw away a very expensive pair of guess skinny leg stretch jeans, because "her thighs were too fat". I grabbed them and she was a little pissed that they looked much better on me than her. (Her thighs were fat). I still have them, and when I wear them out I sometimes get complements.
Rock your jeans and be brave, go out in them. You may get complements too.
If you are limited to wearing girls jeans, especailly a certain brand, you could have a clothing fetish which while technically you would be a crossdresser, the term metrosexual is probably a lot closer to the mark.
BTW, most CD's are heterosexual (i.e. 100% straight) and dressing in clothing of the opposite sex doesn't affect your sexual orientation.
You are metro-sexual. You like style and detail and a good fit.
I was wondering if you also like the Raw Denim Jeans range. They are expensive but they are cut really well to suit movement. (I tried them on and they are very comfortable, but I can't afford them, I have a family to feed.) These are some of their styles, what do you think ? :
You're a metrosexual dear. If you were wearing your girl friend's frocks, I think that'd make you more of a cross dresser.
Don't be afraid to wear them outside. It says that you are confident in yourself the way you are.