Metlife auto insurance. Scam?

I recently purchased an auto insurance policy with Metlife online. Actually it was MyDirect Metlife. It took the payment from my bank account but when I tried to print proof of insurance it said I must create an account. But it wouldnt let me. It says it doesn t recognize my policy number. I I ve read where tons of other ppl have had same problem. I m looking for someone that found a solution.


  • Never buy online. A real life insurance agent is very valuable. And, it doesn't cost more either. Never buy online auto insurance.

  • 1st off, did you actually try and (set up) an account online. Just because you paid for the premium, then with many companies to (access) your policy, you must set up an online account. After you set up a user ID and a password, then it will ask you for the (new) policy number so that you will see your policy documents and then print out a policy ID card.

    As a (former) employee of MetLife, I just recently will be getting a pension from them and when I went to the (specific) IRL pension address, could not get access, thus had to call them to set it up.

    But it is also possible that you have been scammed, since many thieves will make a website look like the original, thus have no idea that you are (not) dealing with the (real) company or not. Even though you were unable to print out a receipt, then you could have done a (screenshot) of the page, then could have seen the exact wed address and policy.

    Now on the MetLife site attached, you can see when you go to the link that it has a (lock) key left of the address. Most of us don’t notice or ignore, if we were to go to a fake address that it is not there.

    Now on this link, it has a “disclaimer” that I printed below.

    MetLife has become aware of phishing attacks against some of our customers. Keeping your personal information secure is a top priority. Learn how you can help.

    So come Monday morning, call them at 866-576-8522 (customer service) to get help.

  • If it sounds like a Scam, if it walks like a scam, if it seems it is a scam then it IS a scam.

    NEVER buy automobile insurance "online".

    ALWAYS buy automobile insurance from a LOCAL broker who has a physical office in your area.......A-L-W-A-Y-S !

    You say they took payment from your bank account........That is a foolish thing to allow. Did you know that allowing that one payment (withdrawal) they can now LEGALLY withdraw any amount at anytime for any reason from your back account? If you allowed this the only thing you can do (should do) immediately is to close that account.....ASAP ! If you paid with a credit card you can file a claim against them with your credit card company and get your money back....Not so with allowing a bank withdrawal.


  • The SOLUTION is to stop any and all payments to the BOGUS insurance company web site. Deal ONLY with real, live insurance agents who are licensed to represent the company you want to do business with.

  • You could have been scammed. Fraud artists love impersonating real companies. They'll steal their logos, make (almost) exact copies of their websites, create 1-800 numbers, and do everything possible to make you think you're dealing with that real company. If the fraudster is smart, most people won't know they've been scammed until an accident happens.

    Metlife is one of the real companies that fraud artists love impersonating. If you can, take a close look at the exact web address where you got your quote and set up your policy. If it doesn't match Metlife's advertised website to the letter, or if you're redirected to another site suddenly, that's a huge red flag.

  • The company is legitimate. I have had their insurance.

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