do i have a mental problem?

hey guys im a 15 year old male who sometimes goes through alot of mood swings inside( i dont usualy show them). anyway some of the things i do that i find abnornal are i obsses very much over the litlest things,like right now with the olympics im really freaking out and worried that shawn johnson(gymnast) will not win any gold medals and am freaking out that the team didnt win gold tonight but won silver while somebody else would be jumping for joy that their second best in the world the americans. another thing i do is just have to do certain things everday like i have to hear certains songs atleast once a day i have to watch atleast one simpsons episode a day. and also some nights i just get so depressed and think to myself i dont wanna wake up im like i just wanna leave the world peacefully and soon. my parents dont suspect a thing with me that i have any problems, they do joke about my obesiveness as i know everything about miley cyrus( i mean everything her height shoe size birthday moms name tons of things). anyway are any of the things i do a sign of a mental problem. serious awnsers only please. and also if you like me to add more detials of some of the things i do and think i will. and also i havent mentioned this to my parents once that im a sad person deep down inside. im only 15 and think like this most kids my age dont care about this.


thanks for the positive awnsers guys. and its not even about shawn johnson and the americans thats just one of the things ive obessed over. i obesses over the craziest things, if their is any problem going on with my life say a bad grade i think about it and think about for hours and hours. while most kids would b.s their parents and be like oh no and then be like ill try harder and then not care.

Update 3:

well guys not to jinxe myself but right now im in a happy mood so that is good. one thing that would put me in a good mood for a long while would definetly be if shawn johnson can pick up just one gold(shes got 3 shots at it) i would be more then happy with that. id be happy if she could get gold in the all around and just medal in the event finals it would be nice if she could get gold in all 3 thou. anyway im off to bed guys you all have a good night


  • PLEASE don't do anything to harm yourself. Life does get better, I promise you. Just be patient. I know from experience as I have suffered for years with depression & mental illness. My brother committed suicide at 27 & I bet if he would have just waited it out, his suicidal thoughts would have passed by. I take anxiety medication and medication for an obsessive compulsive disorder that I've had for years. I totally obsess over things like the Olympics, a TV show, music & I actually admire those traits in me, at times. At least I'm unique. I go to therapy on and off & it does help, but I need to do the work to help myself or else therapy won't work. You're insightful & intelligent, which are two traits that will get you through everything, honestly. At least you're aware you have issues you need to deal with. That is the first step. I suggest talking to your family or a close friend that you can TOTALLY trust who won't make fun of your depression & obsessive problem and not judge you. Just because you take medication & seek therapy doesn't mean you're crazy. You don't have to tell your friends you do this. Maybe buy a non fiction book for teens suffering through depression. This helps, too. Email me any time through Yahoo Answers & I'll be glad to chat with you. I'm old & wise. Plz take care!

  • No, you probably don't have a mental problem, everyone had OCD traits and also the more you know and read about Illnesses and Medical stuff, the more likely you are to be Hypochondriacal, and believe you have them as you can see the symptoms of them in yourself all the time.

    This is why some doctors, constantly get check ups because they believe they may have 50 different things because of a sneeze, or they can get extremely sick, because they think there just being Hypochondriacal when they are actually sick

    Also if you have depression, there are treatments, or maybe you just need an outlet for what your feeling, i suffer from depression and im currently trying to decide on trying to find someone i should talk to or go to a GP and get them to prescribe me Anti-Depressants

  • I think everyone has compulsive behaviors. The question is whether or not it inhibits your ability to lead a normal life and be happy. When you can't function normally, then you need to seek professional help. The term "mental illness" can be used to describe a variety of condtions, and shouldn't be thought of as "crazy".

    The next thing to consider is that you are a teenager, and are having alot of hormonal mood swings. Those can make you feel some of the things you have been feeling. I find it interesting that you say that no one knows how you feel. I think many of us hide our deepest feelings. I do think that if you could learn to talk about your feelings more, you might feel better.

    Overall, your behaviors don't seem to be ones that I would be overly concerned about, but your sadness is something that should be addressed.

  • You are not at a happy phase of your life right now. During adolescence there is a lot of hormone imbalance in your system that causes depression. Try to live your life with friends instead of watching other people on TV and you'll get happier. Change your routine. The TV will do you no good any more. Hang out with friends and start dating. Have fun.

  • well everybody gets obsessive tendencies, maybe yours are a bit more obvious. you may have ocd and/or depression, seeing as you go from happy to sad maybe you are bipolar. i think you should go and see the doctor and tell him all this, print out the question if you like. the doctor will be understanding, and give you a medical point of view. he could find another condition to be the underlying cause, or he could identify nothing and tell you that this is a phase many teenagers experience. either he will set up therapy or tell you there's nothing to worry about. if the doctor told you this you may feel a lot more comfortable with yourself. its good your not suicidal, and try to never let it get that way. remember, everyone gets certain obsessive things. please look into it. good luck

  • I think you may have either bipolar, OCD, or a combination of the two. Please go and try and get some counselling at school or see a doctor, maybe tell your parents if you are comfortable. It is nothing to feel ashamed about if you are a Christian, also you might want to speak to the church about it and they could help you too, but I think a doctor or counsellor is the way to go. Good luck.

  • Honestly, at your age i was very emotional myself...n i can relate to what you're feeling. you dont sound like u have mental problems. My mom said, a characteristic of ppl with mental problems is they arent concerned that they have them or are aware. So if you question ur sanity....thats a good sign. Dont worry too much. hormones go crazy at ur age n it really affects you! looking back, i thought i was a basketcase, but i was just an emotional teen.

  • life is a rollercoaster and it dishes out many chapters in our lifes. you may be suffering a little from obsessive compulsive disorder which believe it or not is common. this can be treated. go to a doctor and ask for a referral to a counciller who can help you with mind exercises. you will get through it darlin

  • i think you just have to find your groove. i really don't like the olympics but i find myself glued to the tv....that miley cyrus stuff is funny as all hell...once you get out of you shell you will be cool

  • you do not have mental problems , you just want our country to be the best

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