Aloe vera as facial moisturizer?
I just started using aloe vera as a facial moisturizer and I feel that it has cleared my skin a bit and dosen't make it oily, but leaves it soft and refreshed.. Is it ok to use this as my moisturizer ? I know it is natural but are there any ingredients added in that are bad for my face ?
Nope, I have been using aloe for hands/face for a long time works good esp in the winter. I also drink the juice.
Aloe vera is a pretty good moisturizer, as long as you aren't allergic to it. So go ahead and use it. The reason it works for sun burns so well is because it moisturizes the dry, irritated skin.
just make sure it is the pure aloe and it should be fine. They also make an aloe with vitamin e oil which is great for skin.
Aloe vera has is a natural souce which has multiple collagen in it. It will not do anything bad to you face, thats what i use and it really helps me.
That is actually very good for you skin. I make and sell homemade soap and body products, and alot of them have aloe very in them to make your skin supple. I even put it in my body glitter recipe so that you are moisturizing your skin while you are making it sparkle.
I use it for my face all the time too. It is meant for skin so you'll be fine. no crazy ingredients to worry about.
Nothing in it that's going to harm you and hey if it works it works.
try baby lotion as well it does help with new skin.
my wife use with something else I can't say here......
she love for her ..........
mix alovera and a friend to see ....just lo
no you are fine....