Why do I feel randomly depressed?

It's been happening to me at least 3 times a week. I would feel so bad that I don't want to talk to anyone. It lasts for about one or two hours and then I'm my usual self. Why does this happen? I feel so bad like I think bad things about me making me cry. Like yesterday, I was in a pretty good mood and then in the night, I was feeling so depressed that I stopped what I was doing and went straight to bed. Any help? Thanks.


  • If you are a young teen, then hormonal changes could have a lot to do with your emotions. Teens have a lot of stress, school, social situations, peer pressure, and can cause your feelings to be all over the place. If you continue to feel depressed, however, then talk to your parents or an adult about seeing a Doctor.

    Depression is a normal emotion when we are saddened by some incident. If things are going pretty well in your life, and you still feel depressed it is best for you to figure out the "cause" . Once you know why" you feel depressed it is much easier to work through it. A physical exam is a good place to start. Tell your family Doctor how you feel, and let him decide how to treat you.

    Try and surround yourself with up beat people, and situations. Try and get enough good rest, proper food, and some exercise. When you feel physically fit, it has a positive impact on your emotional state. The two are very closely intertwined. Please talk to your parents if you continue to feel as you do. I have a feeling your hormones are playing a big role here. Take care, and try not to get upset.

  • ugh me too. if you're under 18 then it could be this whole puberty/hormone thing but if you're older than that you could really be depressed. look up the symptoms and f you have more than half contact a doctor and maybe get medication. i hope it all works out.

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