Do you carry teacup poodles?

I'm searching for a female teacup poodle.


  • Put in your own zip code, to find the toy poodle nearest you>

  • Hi there. The first thing to realize is that there is no such thing as a teacup poodle. It's a designation made up by unscrupulous breeders to sell poor quality dogs for outrageous prices. Anyone claiming to have 'teacup' anythings should be avoided at ALL costs. Here's the PCA statement on it:

    Those interested in the Poodle should be aware there are three varieties of Poodles;' Toy, Miniature, and Standard. There is no officially recognized Poodle variety such as a "Royal" Standard, a "Tea Cup " Toy or a "Tiny Toy" Poodle. These are all just marketing terminologies to facilitate the sale of animals that are in reality just dramatically over or under in size from the norm.

    To find a toy poodle puppy , visit and use the breeder's list.

    Here are some ways to recognize a good breeder: (different breed but GREAT questions to modify and ask a potential breeder)

  • THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A TEACUP!!!! That is just a scam by breeders to get more money. A tiny 2 lb dog is more likely to get hurt and because they are shrunken, they tend to have more health problems. A 5 lb dog is still tiny and easy to pick up and carry. Don't get a dog from someone who labels it a teacup and NEVER buy one from a petstore.

  • Try Petfinder, as well as Petharbor is a huge database of animals in shelters that are in need of homes. It will give you a list of shelters by your zip code, so check off as many as you're willing to go to if there is a dog that catches your eye. One thing I may suggest is searching by "I Lost My Pet," calling the shelter, and asking about the dog by its ID number. Shelters often take waiting lists of interested parties before an animal becomes available.

  • First check with your local animal shelter- you would be surprised by how many pure bred dogs are there to be adopted- puppies, kittens you name it they may have it. If people would look in their shelter's first for a dog instead of shelling out big $$$$$$ for a snooty little pure bred- they wouldn't have to kill so many homeless pets. Pure breds usually tend to have more health problems than your average mutt- and mutts are forever grateful that you rescued them and a pure bred from a shelter would be even more grateful- because their "breeding" doesn't allow them to be in such a place!

  • you should never get a pet from someone who "carrys" them..that sounds like your asking walmart about something...pets arent items...they are huge responsiblities...go to a breeder...not a pet store...look in your local newspaper

  • No. Sorry!

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