Astronomy or Astrology?

Im torn. I really like space and zodiacs and things like that. I don't believe in any gods or things like that but I really like astrology. I know astrology isn't considered a science but I really like it and was considering learning it but then I started reading into it and many people just call it fake and such. So I started slowly looking into astronomy but I realized quickly that a lot of astronomers if not all, don't believe in astrology.

I guess my question is really this;

I really like astrology and want to get into that but I also was considering astronomy since it pays more even though I really want to be an astrologer. What should I do?


  • If your passion and dream is astrology, I think you have found yourself an answer. Best wishes :)

  • If you're torn, go with astrology... anyone who isn't aware of the difference between science and hokum should go the hokum route.

  • No reason you can't study both. I'm with all the other astronomers that say it's rubbish but if you like both then study both. Make up your own mind don't be easily swayed by the opinions of others.

  • If you want to be a scientist then study Astronomy. If you want to be a thief, a charlatan and a liar then study Astrology.

  • Do whatever makes you happy. People have done worse than becoming Astrologers.

  • Why don t you ask your stars ?

  • Astrology has nothing to do with studying space. It hasn't even taken account of the fact that things have moved around in the last 3000 years due to the Earth's precession, so it makes "predictions" based on where constellations actually aren't any more. It has no factual basis whatsoever so it's not a science. And in tests, astrologers couldn't reliably predict anything. So of course astronomers don't want anything to do with it. IT DOESN'T WORK!

    People who actually get paid for doing astronomy are called university professors. That's where professional astronomy gets done: by university staff working with telescopes that the university or some government or other foundation has set up. So if you want to do that professionally, you need to be really good at physics and mathematics, and get a good enough degree including those to go on to a PhD. THEN a university might employ you to teach and do more research.

    Centuries ago, astronomers used to do astrology as well, but that looks extremely odd these days.

  • Astrology is an ancient fraud. Even the writers of the Bible knew that.

  • Astronomy is good because when you identify constellations in the night sky, you can combine astrology by knowing the stories of The constellations.

  • Study both, they overlap.

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