astronomy or astrology ??

which one is more perfect and dependable and why?


  • Neither is 'perfect' in any meaningful sense, but astronomy is the scientific practice of studying the heavens. Astrology is based on cultural tradition, superstition, and a certain amount of intuitive guesswork. If you want to know when a comet will appear, for example, call an astronomer; if you want someone to pretend they know what it means, call an astrologer.

  • The old star wars question.....well astronomy is a science

    and astrology is not a science...draw your own conclusion

    the answer above me has it the wrong way round (astronomy is a science)

  • Astronomy is based on scientic observation which are cheked from more than one view.

    Astrology is related to prophetic assigment of the stars in the constellations.

    So the two studies involves stars but astronomy involves all objects in the Universe including Galaxies.

  • I just left the environment section to come here and try to find some sanity (please, if you go there, have a bit of pity and a good sense of humor), and this is what I find here!

    It is getting late and I am going to bed, without consulting the stars or drawing Tarot cards.

    If this is a serious question, then perhaps I am being a bit abrupt, but I can't believe that anyone would ask that when there is an alterntive section for such questions.

  • Astrology & astronomy are two different thing. Astrology is a science which is related with the space,star,glaxy etc.Another is a unproven subject which belive human luck is related with the star,sun,planets& human luck is forcasted.So, don't mix this two.

  • well, considering we no limited knowledge about our vast space and our world is filled with things science cant explain, i believe they are prsently equal. Which ever will be increased info 2 us in the future will be of more value i guess. However, i believe the science of astronomy makes a bit more sense and is valued in our cynical, but not always wrong, society.

  • Astrology is a five year old's book about leprechauns; astronomy is the the Encyclopedia Britannica.

  • Both things are not dependable & perfect because there is no proof for anything. whatever can happen during any time of the day or any time of the month or any time of the year and we cannot predict correctly.

  • You're kidding right? Please tell me you are, you cannot be so ignorant as to compare Astronomy to astrology.

  • One is science, the other is based on unproven myths, what kind of ridiculous question is this? get back on the yellow bus you retard, the short one with the wheelchair lift.

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