My processor - Strange....?

I bought an AMD Athlon 64 6000+ Processor, and it was 3.1Ghz, now when I look it says 2.4 Ghz, have I lost speed or is this a power saving feature as some people have said it is?



  • That's normal. Processor's energy saving feature is enabled and working. That means reduced speed at idle then full speed when there is processor load. AMD calls it Cool n Quiet technology.

  • The processor won't run at full power unless it is under a full load, so yes, its an efficiency feature.

  • yea mine is labled as a AMD X2 Duel Core 64Bit 3.2 and its registering as 2.4X2 if i overclock i can get it to 4.2X2 without is causing to much problems its just to save power if you open more programmes you can see a difference in performance and it will introduce the rest of the power.

  • plz go to

    mycomputer right click -propetry-this is actual speed of your system, you will get your OS , RAM, Processor actual information

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