Which is more accurate a mirror or a camera photo?

Other than the fact that mirrors are reversed image which is more accurate camera photo, mirror or even selfie.


  • A mirror shows you reversed left to right, as you can tell by holding up a newspaper below you face.

    A photo taken with the camera very close to your face, as is typical for selfies, distorts you face, makes it look too "round" and the nose looks too big. Have the camera at least 5 feet (1.5 metres) from your face to get a photo which looks like how other people see you in life.

  • The camera lens is concave, a mirror is flat

    Pretty much. When properly focused

    A camera will render a picture as you

    Really look now.

    Very best wishes


    Source:) Photography school.

  • Photos taken by the guy who asked this:

    https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20180... ;-)

  • It's not a question about accuracy. It's about skill. How good are you with a camera? The mirror? It doesn't take much to learn how to use it.

    So unfair.


  • I don't think I have seen this question all week. It only makes it 3,987,467,987 times it has been asked.

  • A mirror does not reverse an image. When I raise my east arm the mirror shows my east arm raised. If I write on paper and hold it up to a mirror the text is readable unless I reverse the paper to show it to the mirror, then who reversed the text? me or the mirror. Please think about this or you will believe as so many that the mirror reversed the text. Neither a mirror or a camera phone is inaccurate.

  • I would think that a top rated camera would be best.

  • A mirror

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