Serious tampon problem. Help please?
Ok so i am fifteen years old, almost sixteen, and i got my period about 7-8 months ago. It's still extremely irregular, like some months it's so light i don't even notice i have it. But the first time i got and now this month, i've gotten really bad cramps and a reallyyyyy heavy flow. And every month, the blood ruins my underwear and my pants and even my bed sheets. I've tried soooo many times to put a tampon in but i honestly cannot. I can't even get the applicator in. It's not that it hurts that bad, I mean it does hurt a litte bit but its not unbearable pain, its that i hit a wall or something and the tampon honeslty just won't go in. I was told that with practice and time i should be able to get tampons in easily but i'll try for an hour and go through twelve tampons without ever getting one it. It's ruining all of my underwear and honestly, my life. I have to stuff tissues up there and wear overnight heavy pads on my underwear and im still self concious when i go out because i dont know if the blood is seeping through my pants. Sorry if this is really graphic, i'm just really desperate. Did anyone else have this problem and if so can you please help me? I want my life back
If you are bleeding more than 1 pad's-worth per hour, you should go and talk to a doctor. You're not going to die of it or anything but that's really heavy bleeding.
On to your actual question. The best way to try and figure out where you are going wrong would be to ask your mom or a very trusted girlfriend to help you with the first one. But since that requires a VERY close friendship and a pretty relaxed attitude to your body, I can think of a few other things that might help.
1. Try an applicator-free tampon (like OB). I personally have never cared for these but they are narrower and easier to control when you insert them.
2. Use a hand mirror to make sure you're going into the right place. Do it while sitting down, and aim the tampon towards your back, not straight up.
3. Talk to a doctor. It may be that you have some quirk of anatomy that makes it difficult to insert tampons.
The first time I installed a tampon I was once a virgin too, and it absolutely was once uncomfortable however I absolutely was once competent to get it in. After the primary program it will get simpler (because you holiday a membrane your first time). But you must be competent to get it whatsoever. So you by and large are hanging it in incorrect. The vagina isn't immediately up and down, however is angled backwards. To practice, take a seat on a rest room along with your legs unfold and your whole muscle groups down there free. Put the tampon into your vagina at a forty five measure attitude backwards. There must be a diagram at the field displaying this perspective, but when no longer think going immediately up into your frame as ninety degress, after which attitude the end of the tampon forty five levels in the direction of your backbone. Then it must simply pass in effortlessly! Hope this is helping
Good success!
It sounds like the problem you are experiencing is that you haven't figured out the angle of your vagina yet. Every woman's vagina is tilted at a different angle, and the most difficult part of trying tampons for the first time can be figuring what angle to try inserting the tampon at. You can try pointing the tip of the tampon more towards your lower back and see if that helps. If not, just keep trying at different angles until you find the one that works for you. If this doesn't work, try going to your doctor and asking his/her advice. Good luck!
i had that problem when i was younger. it took me a while to figure it out. if you have a sister or a mom or a friend or someone you can talk to to try to help you. i know this is gunna sound dumb but this is what i did. go in the box of tampons and there is a instruction paper read that it really does help. but then after you read it take the tampon put the applicator inside of you make sure its in the hole. then push the tampon in and remove the applicator. ( sorry so details jus tryin to help)
WEAR PADS!!! they make really thin pads you can barley feel them or tell that you have them on. it will solve your problem. And the reason youre having such dificulties with tampons is probably because youre tight down there. Id have a close friend or cousin show you how to do it. but until then pads.
When you put the tampon in, about an inch of a way in, there is a few layers of skin. you have to break through the skin (that hurst a little) but after that its fine. just use a small one to start, but as your heavy, i would wear a pad too. good luck
Try wearing pads:)
go on biirth control ,, it lightend my periods ALOT