Do you think Trump's foreign policy has already made America less safe?

According to Hillary's Twitter account it has lol. Hillary will start WWIII if elected, not much could make America less safe than that. Russia without doubt will nuke US if we try any shenanigans like invading Crimea like Hillary intends to do. Shooting down Russian aircraft over Syria is another one of her life changing ideas, our lives will be vaporized by thermonuclear explosions in our cities. This is real folks, if you are a swing voter or an intelligent Democrat please for the sake of mankind vote Trump.


  • Sorry, but I don't want someone with the temperament of a 3 year old child to have nuclear launch codes.

  • No. The fact that America is less safe is all on Obama, even though he tries his best to blame it on someone else.

  • I seen in the news where our allies are uncomfortable with THE DONALD getting so close to the presidency, and saying he would drop out of NATO and be BFFs with Putin.

  • Yes.

  • hillary's so full of crap.

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