Yahoo contact problem?

A few years ago I introduced my elderly mother to the fantastic world of computers and the internet. Years down the road she has grasped it like an expert.

As Part of that i bought her a premium email address. There has been no Problem until now. Recently, i received an email from them telling me that my debit card payment has bounced. As soon as i received that email i paid it manually with the same card (you figure it out because i can't). I have now discovered that the email from them was wrong, and it did not bounce. That has left me with two payments to Yahoo for the same time period for the same premium email address.

After several hours searching i located their contacts page which was nothing more than a web page form. That contact has been ignored.

It may only be £11.99 but it has got right up my nose the way it has been done. Has anyone any idea what my next move is? Anyone know any phone numbers? I want to throw my rattle out of the pram but finding out their contact details has proved difficult to say the least.


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